Oct 21, 2003 17:19
Yeah, so. I haven't updated in like a week.. My mom took me to the Cardiologist. My dimensions and my heart and everything looked fine. So, they put this halter monitor on me. if you dunno what that is.. they put these WICKED STICKY things on you and then put wires on the sticky things and the wires went into this magine that i had to wear around my waste. I looked pregnant, HEHE. And then. I took it off. And yeah. i didn't have an attack thingy while the thing was on so they don't know anything. They told my mom to make an appointment with my pediatrician to get my thyroids checked, and when they do that they take a blood test. and they will probably find high levels of DXM and put me on dialysis or whatever you call it. But that's all I can hope. BUT MY MOM WON'T FUCKING MAKE THE APPOINTMENT. ARR. I think it's liver failure or whatever and hopefully they'll catch it sometime. wish me luck <3
Oh. So last wekeend Tasha came over. Horrible weekend.. Tasha was annoying. She's so ghetto, it's annoying. and then she repeats these stupid commercials and stupid songs and says stuid stuff and is too boring. So yeah. And then nicole's asshole boyfriend was saying shit 'bout tasha and then nicole was laughing. tasha got pissed. they got into a fist figt. then i got into a worse fist fight with nicole. yeah.
Oooh, this week is spirit day. Monday was PJ day. Today was Western Day, which I didn't really dress for.. Tomorrow's twin day. Amanda and I are gonna be twins. We're gonna wear black. yay =] And then Thursday's Wacky Day, i'm just going to mix match my clothes, which will be dificult since all my clothes are black and match. o.O And firday is color day. The class color is white---GROSS! Who owns white clothes, really? I don't. A white shirt appeared in my room, so i'll wear that and like blue jeans. haha.
*Aren't I just school-spirit-girl?*
And I decided that I'm not spending my weekends with Tasha anymore. They will now be with Amanda <3. Yay. Atleast I hope so.
Hmm. I guess that's all
<3 you all