Didn't like The Avengers? Then maybe you should just lay down and sit this one out. Yes, you'll probably notice a bit of...repetition, you know, because Nyan Cat and owls aren't repetitive enough on their own.
One pic is somewhat spoilery for the film, but not a game-breaker, I don't think. Feel free to correct me. Consider this impetus to see it. You got sick days, use 'em.
No original content contained herein and no ownership implied; all material ganked from the farthest reaches of the Internets. If unsatisfied with picspam, please return unused portion of post for a full refund. Use only as directed. If symptoms persist, see a doctor. For a free written transcript, hit CTRL-P. There was maybe one aspect of Captain America I would've liked to have seen during the flick, but...maybe they're saving it for the sequel. One of the guys at the theater had on a t-shirt with Cap's quote in the last pic. If it's not the definitive Cap moment, it's in the top three. Two?
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