So I've been trying to play Mass Effect 2 (to get ready for Tuesday's ME3 launch) and a little bit of the original Dragon Age (as DA2 was simply godawful), but I now see why I avoided multiplayer online. A long, long time ago I played the online demo of Battlefield 1942 (with one map, Wake Island) to death. Now I've got Battlefield 3 (with the Back to Karkand expansion) and Battlefield 1943 (a much less complicated and graphic-heavy game), both of which have Wake Island, and both of which reward tactics and teamwork more than simple reflexes. I'm hooked. As long as whoever's on audio isn't being a loud obnoxious cretin (and no, no audio for me), it's an immense amount of fun.
Though I'm
not very good yet. I'm typically the lowest-ranked player on whichever server I flit across, and I usually have an abysmal kill/death ratio, but my scores are still pretty decent, as I keep capturing flags and repairing teammates' vehicles and the like. I'm somewhat hampered by the fact that, with more than a few accessories and kits, I still don't know what I'm doing. Which reminds me -- I need to look up how to use the knife before I play again....
Originally posted to my
Dreamwidth account as LJ is a teamkilling n00b. You can
comment there using your LJ login as an OpenID, or here. Either's good.