The Wil Wheaton episodes of Big Bang Theory are thoroughly enjoyable, as he is Sheldon's arch-nemesis and plays an "evil" version of himself. In the second episode, he's in a bowling tournament opposite Sheldon's team and Sheldon decides to name his team the Wesley Crushers.
(Then, in the third appearance this season, Sheldon and company were the last four left out in the cold at a theater replay of Raiders of the Lost Ark and Wil Wheaton's entourage had line-jumped.)
While I haven't caught up on BBT yet, I do think it interesting how Wil has rejuvenated his acting carer playing mostly bad guys/assholes, particularly variants of himself (BBT, The Guild) or his other characters (Eureka, where he's kind of playing Wesley gone horribly wrong.)
Also, his non-fiction writing's pretty good. (I haven't read his fiction stuff yet.)
And while Connor was a train wreck, he did arguably get the best line of the series: "Come on. You drop by for coffee and the world's not ending? Please."
JOE-- totally unrelated, but hopefully you get emailed LJ comments. You don't have a publicly-available address on your Amazon wish list, and your other websites don't have a way to contact you via email. Here's hoping you see this. I'd like to get you a gift off of there, but I've gotta have a place to *send* it...
(Then, in the third appearance this season, Sheldon and company were the last four left out in the cold at a theater replay of Raiders of the Lost Ark and Wil Wheaton's entourage had line-jumped.)
Also, his non-fiction writing's pretty good. (I haven't read his fiction stuff yet.)
And while Connor was a train wreck, he did arguably get the best line of the series: "Come on. You drop by for coffee and the world's not ending? Please."
You always could have had your husband ask my mom. :)
And I *did* ask Joel to contact your mom about it, and he said that he would. Whether he did is another story, but yeah, we tried that route too.
I don't even remember my twitter login.
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