The Friday Five

Sep 10, 2021 11:17

These questions were written by mesotablar on dreamwidth.

1. What are your top 5 favourite foods?
Spaghetti, butter chicken, feijoada, plov (or pretty much any pilaf), cherries. Ask me again tomorrow and I might give you a different answer as I like lots of things.

2. Is there something similar between them? Most have multiple elements and lots of spicing options. They are generally what I would consider comfort foods.

3. Can you cook them yourself? Yes.

4. Pick one, and tell us why it is so special. I learned to make feijoada while living in Brazil. It is practically a national dish there now, but it originated as food of the slaves, for their special Sunday meal (often the only time they had meat. I love the blend of flavours, and the different textures that come from the accompanying collard greens and farao, a kind of manioc porridge. Every time I eat it, I remember a very interesting time in my career and the lovely people I got to know there.

5. Have you eaten your recommended servings of 2 fruit and 5 vegetables today? Not yet. It’s not even lunch time. I did have some vegetable soup, so I’m well on my way, though.


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