Olympics and stuff

Jul 28, 2021 19:07

Here it is, Wednesday already. My boss has said that I can keep working from home forever if I want. I am liking that idea a lot. It would mean just going to the office one day a week or so.

It has been a very long day - I had to be up and at the barn for the farrier at 7 am. I was worried about catching her because she has been a brat lately, so I was awake by 5 am. She was an absolute angel and she was done and back in her field by 7:11. I missed my lunchtime yoga class because the boy child called just as it was getting going. It was nice to hear from him, but now it's 7 pm and I feel a desperate need to get up off the couch and do something. Maybe I can do a bit of yoga or the gentle movement class before bed. Or I could cut out some fabric or sew something. It all needs doing.

At least I got my blog post done for this week. It took me until almost midnight last night because I had so many things I wanted to say. All the sexism leading up to the games has made me really grumpy, and I wanted to focus on some good stuff. I still managed to rant a bit, and include an excellent YouTube video, so I'm pretty happy with it. I just pulled it up so I could share the link and I see that the video link is now blacked out as age-restricted and only available on YouTube. Hilarious! Videos of women in beach volleyball uniforms are readily available. The sexism continues. https://fitisafeministissue.com/2021/07/28/things-to-celebrate-at-the-olympics/

work, feminism

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