Sleepy day

Aug 03, 2015 19:20

Fancy had a 9 am appointment with the farrier so no swimming for me today. I might have tried to squeeze it in depite the gloomy weather, had I known the girl would bail on going for a ride afterwards. In fact, she didn't even crawl out of bed until after I had gotten home. She immediately headed out to do girl things with some friends. Chocolate played a major role.

By then, I figured I had earned a nap so I curled up with the cats and a book I have been meaning to read for years. Eventually I felt ambitious enough to tackle some refrigerator pickles; I now have three jars of cucumber dills and 2 small jars of beans. Tomorrow, I'll try zucchini dills.

Today's sad truth - despite having a fridge full of awesome fresh produce, sometimes I would rather just eat Ramen noodles.

Now I'm pretending to watch ultimate - instead of games, there is some sort of skills competition, since so many kids are away due to the long weekend.

cooking, kids

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