Back to School

Sep 03, 2014 20:50

S started on Tuesday, and so far it is looking okay. After much agonizing over the summer, it is looking quite possible that she will do a co-op at the vet clinic down the road. This would be most convenient for an early morning co-op, and would be a reasonable compromise for someone who had her heart set on working at a barn. Will find out more tomorrow. The other courses all seem to be going well, and she is being disciplined about the homework. No visits to Fancy since Monday, though :(.

G headed back to Halifax this evening. I wish I could have seen him more, but he is really becoming an independent adult. By independent, I definitely do not mean financially independent (my credt card is the witness on that!). I finally had a chance to look at his final grades from last term, and he surprised me with an A, two A-, a B an a B+. It's not that I didn't think he was capable; I just didn't think he would put the effort into it.

I have been back to work for two whole days. I'm pooped! It's official that I will be taking on a new team with at least 3-4 underperforming employees and no manager, while also managing at least three major calls for proposals over the next year. So far, it's not too too busy, but things are already picking up and I am not sure yet that I have the energy or desire to try and be my usual overachieving helpful self. I am sure I will not allow any more burn-out, though!

work, kids

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