disappointment and next steps

Apr 16, 2013 08:57

Apparently, my Branch doesn't manage enough money any more, so I will not be getting my reclassification. I have the largest directorate, the most complex set of files, and the most direct reports, but will continue to be paid less than any of my counterparts. Because I am only a Director, I'm not entitled to a Director who could help me manage the workload. Because there is no DG, I have to do the DG job too - or maybe not. My boss keeps asking what my team could stop doing. Now I know. If all those VP and DG-level meetings are really important, he can go himself or send an actual DG. From now on, I'll be doing the work I'm paid to do anmd go home after 8 or 9 hours like the rst of the management team, instead of working 10-11 hours every day. I might even take lunch! Or at least get back into the habit of heating it in the microwave, instead of eating it cold at my desk every day.

Posted via m.livejournal.com.


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