Garden started

May 01, 2012 22:00

I finally got out all my seeds and little starter pots, and got them together with some dirt. This year, I remembered to cover them with plastic wrap to keep in the moisture. I have no idea how many will germinate, as none of the seeds are fresh except for a few tomatoes. I do know that some seeds are good for up to four years, though I don't remember which ones, or how old some of the seeds may be. I planted cucumber, zucchini, basil, peppers, tomatoes (two kinds), squash (two kinds), dill, and pumpkin. I still have roquette, mesclun, romaine, collards, watermelon, radishes, carrots, sorrel, and many miscellaneous flowers to plant directly in the garden.

The next tasks will be to dig out my little greenhouse and set it up, and finish building my raised bed. Hopefully the weather will be good tomorrow.  I also need to fill a bunch of my big planters so I can start some seeds in them.


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