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Sep 05, 2011 22:10

As always, it was a great event. My new tent worked! I made a net bag. Pictures of both at ShuLing and her friend Emily managed to have a good time, despite there being no feast in the mead hall this year. Emily learned netting and ShuLing learned stick weaving. Both got into taking care of the fire - though not so much into searching for wood.

Kaboone had a wonderful time as always. He tended to wander off and visit all the other camps; it became a bit of a challenge to keep track of him. I'm told that at one point, someone commented that he was a good old dog - very sweet, seems to know exactly where to go, just wanders in slowly and hangs out for a bit, then gently meanders along to the next encampment. The comparison was made with Finvarr, and that brought up recollections of his old dog Arthur. Years ago, Arthur was Finvarr's faithful companion as he made the rounds of the camp each evening. Arthur was still around when I first told ShuLing the bedtime story of the constellation Finvarr; Sir Finvarr, in his knight's belt, uses his mighty sword to guard the northern lands through the winter. Arthur was the dog at Finvarr's heel. Kaboone has been sleeping for the last four hours, as he got far more exercise than normal.

I missed getting to visit with some good friends who normally come to Baron's Howe, but I very much enjoyed spending time with others. High points included geeking out on 14th C recreation to a much higher standard than the usual SCA, learning about options for handling my little bearded axe, getting feedback on next steps for my Merovingian brooches, and discussing cookware. I now know how to fix my aluminium wash water pot to make it look more authentic, and have ordered a new cookpot, ladle and wooden-handled cooking fork (squee!).

I even wandered around to other encampments a bit and got to know a few new (to me) people. I even did a fair bit of laurel-type stuff for once. I participated in begging the boon for Daffyd, which may be the first time in my 10+ years as a Laurel. I didn't even get to do it for my own apprentice, as I was out of the country.

sca, horrible dog

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