SOLO LOG; counting out the signs we see; SOPHIE

Sep 07, 2008 17:50

Not really a log lulz. Just a letter she wrote to Van that he's never going to reply to ALKDSKLADSKDLSA

Dear Van,

Hello. How are you? This is a letter... a letter from me.

I think I saw you moving a chair with your brain... did you really? I don't think anyone on the community is quite ordinary so it's okay if you did but I just want to know

if you know

what's really going on. And why things like what happened at the theatre keep happening. I don't want you or any more people to get hurt, even if I don't know them. I hope you didn't get hurt. I didn't get hurt either because of you so thank you. I'm very thankful you got out safely as well.

I suppose that's it.

With love,


PS: The flowers on the downstairs table are from me. I would have put more but something went and sat on most of the flowers in my garden..

PPS: If you want to write me back you can just stick a note under the downstairs telephone.

PPPS: You don't have to but please do..

logs, sophie laurier

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