Sep 05, 2008 21:32

[ Rome White Order / English ]

I am leaving for official Order business tomorrow. It will be a short trip to London and that is all you need to know at the moment. And sorry ladies, but I'm leaving Benedetto in charge of you while I'm gone. If I have to break up any quarrels when I come back, children, you're grounded. And by that, I mean we'll have extra vigorous training when I return in a few days.

By the way, I have rented an apartment at [address here] in the Piazza di Spagna. This is our new headquarters. Training will continue to be in that abandoned place outside of Rome that I know you all love.

I doubt the Black Order will be terribly busy for the moment. But we'll break the new HQ in when I get back. ♥

[ Benedetto ]

Do make me proud, now. And contact me immediately if something comes up. Corrina is doing special business for me so you should not have to see much or worry about her. As for Joo-Eun, just make sure she behaves.

joo-eun hwa, aleksandr novak

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