Aug 07, 2008 23:35

who; Hayleigh, Katinka and The Adelbert
what; running into each other in London
when; yesterday...evening

Hayleigh could barely control herself as she left the store, holding the pregnancy test in a bag she had carefully concealed. The store clerk had given her a weird look but she knew what it had been for.

She was nineteen. She could not be--

She just couldn't. They were always careful. What was Leon going to say? Would he run off if it turned out she was carrying his child? She imagined Leon quickly bolting out a window when she gave him the news.

How did Damon even know? She had the urge to throw another lamp at him.

Her head was hurting. She felt sick. Acel was dead and she left thinking he would be fine. Hayleigh felt horribly guilty and powerless over everything now. She stopped at a bench and sat down, shaking.

Katinka twirled her plastic stethoscope from the dollar store around one finger and ripped great tufts of fur out of her bear skin coat, smearing the fur all over her face. It stuck to her skin just below her nose, giving her the appearance of having a bear skin mustache.

"How did I lose sight of the girl?" she muttered darkly, and seized Adelbert's vest roughly, the way she did before they would make love in a stranger's home.


Adelbert was playing the part of a nurse today; it hadn't been too difficult to make himself take on the part of a nurse he had seen at the hospital after getting a second degree burn from the microwave exploding.

"Right this way, doctor," Adelbert said sweetly, tittering before walking off in his high heels towards the girl, diaper bag still hanging from his shoulder.

Katinka snorted to dislodge the fur mustache and galloped to catch up with Adelbert. She was wearing heels too. Gucci baby, cause that's just how we do.

When she saw Hayleigh on the bench, Katinka increased her pace, zooming past Adelbert, careening out of control, and slamming into the bench, which promptly burst into flame.

"HAYLEIGH," she shrieked desperately, trying to beat the flames out of her coat. "LET ME RUB YOUR TUMMY."


Hayleigh nearly screamed when she saw a pink-headed doctor (....was it a doctor?) burst forth from somewhere and she jumped off the bench. She was pale and staring at Katinka, whom she could hardly believe was in London.

She was imagining things right?

"K...Katinka? Why are you here?"

Katinka shrugged off her flaming coat and kicked it into the gutter, then lowered her Prada shades to look at Hayleigh square in the eye.

"I've just destroyed public property. The po po will be here soon. We need to move."

Katinka seized Hayleigh's arm and tugged her back into the pharmacy that Hayleigh had gone into a short time ago. (They had been tracking her.) Ignoring the shop clerk, Katinka dragged Hayleigh into the restroom and pushed her into one of the stalls before plunging in after her. Adelbert followed of course, with his diaper bag.

Inside the stall things were crowded and sweaty. And Katinka had forgotten why she had come to London. She drooled on Hayleigh's shirt and smiled madly.

Adelbert dabbed at the slobber with a sanitized hanky, before smiling reassuringly at the girl who looked to be on the edge of bursting into tears.

"Take a seat, honey. We will help you, oh indeed. Help comes in all shapes and sizes. All times and all years. And all colors."

Of course Hayleigh was about to explode in tears again. She just wanted to go back to Leon's place and sleep. Or better yet, go back to Berlin to a time where she didn't have to worry about a war, people dying and Damon announcing to everyone she might be pregnant.

"What are you doing? No-- never mind. Just leave me alone." She said and squirmed uncomfortably on the toilet seat.

Urge to shriek... rising.

Katinka fished around in her pocket for one of her emergency packets of ketchup from McDonalds and tore it open.

"Pathetic girl," she said in a throaty whisper. "Pathetic girl...."

Then she used the ketchup to put warpaints onto her own, Adelbert's, and Hayleigh's faces. The ritual was complete.

Slamming back out of the stall, Katinka hoisted herself up onto the sink and stood upon it like a plastic figure on top of a wedding cake.

"Now the child is blessed. You may go, Hayleigh. Tell Leon to be thankful for my services. Adelbert, flush the toilet Hayleigh is sitting on. Flush her all the way to Mexico."

Adelbert flushed, once, twice, thrice for good luck.

"Goodbye, Hayleigh."

hayleigh bell, katinka von weber, logs, adelbert fruehauf

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