[LOG;] mom & dad you made me so uptight - Aubrey & Reza

Aug 05, 2008 23:59

Who: Reza and Aubrey Blackwell
What: Picking Reza up at the airport
When: some...time >>
Where: the airport and Aubrey's car

For all the teasing and bullying Reza was giving him, Aubrey sure was quick to accept the task of picking her up from the airport. There must have been some deep need somewhere that he had to be a good brother or something. He didn't know.

For a long time before her flight came, he was standing outside, smoking a cigarette or two before stamping it out and coming to wait in the terminal. He was leaning against a wall, a small notepad in his hand. Doodling things always made him less nervous. He didn't even know why he was nervous. It was just Reza, after all.

Well, Reza could be damn scary when she set her mind to it.

Her flight was short and she felt uneasy leaving the comfort of being around Miho to come back to this. She didn't want to see London right now, there was... it was... complicated. Damien had a lot to do with it.

Picking up her suitcase she headed out the gate doors and paused looking up and down for signs of her stepbrother. At least like this she could keep an eye on him.

Which he had no idea was her intention. Nor would he understand if he did know.

Once in a while, he would look up from his paper to keep an eye on the gate, and one of those times, he eventually spotted Reza. His eyes shifted from side to side and then he finally stepped forward, tucking his notepad in his back pocket. "Hey. Reza." he said, waving somewhat awkwardly.

Reza eventually noticed him, watching him tuck something into his pocket and nodding to him in greeting. Of course, this was Reza and she wouldn't be herself if she didn't do something... out of the ordinary.

So she did.

Stepping close, she pressed her lips against Aubrey's in a platonic sort of greeting before stepping back.

There was a certain level of comfort that Aubrey continuously had about himself, and that was just violated in so many ways. His jaw dropped open and he practically reeled away from his stepsister.

"...what....... WHAT WAS THAT?" he wheezed, sort of flailing about her for a moment before he realized she was probably just going to make fun of him. Resignedly, he grabbed her suitcase and turned toward the direction of the exit instead. "Nevermind, let's go. Yes. Going....."

And that was exactly why she did it, to invade his space, stirr him up and irritate him a little bit. Reza gave him a look. "That was hello." She answered unsure whether or not to let him have her suitcase but letting him have it in the end.

If it made him feel better... then whatever.

"No angry faces for me this time..." he said, looking over his shoulder at her. His little flailing episodes always seemed to end quickly, however, and he was calm again, waiting for her to catch up with him so they could get to his car.

"How was your trip?" He thought he'd try for some normal conversation, even if he had no idea why she was coming from Belgium when she said she was going to Portugal.

"Nice." Reza oblidged him with the polite normal conversation, crossing her arms across her chest as they walked along to the parking lot. It didn't take long for her to catch up to him.

"You smell like smoke, do you ever bathe?" Or... not. Her tone was carefully neutral though, not quite her usual angry one yet. Maybe she was still in too much of a good mood over her trip to argue properly.

"That's good." Well there went that conversation. He shrugged a little bit then and reached in one of his pockets to grab his cigarette carton and wave it in Reza's face. "Yes, I do." he said shortly, tucking them back in his pocket.

Once at his car, he popped the trunk and set her luggage inside, unlocking the door for her to get in.

Reza thanked him with a nod and then moved to dig her hand into his pocket and fish out the cigarretes. Okay, so she still had not gotten the concept of his personal space.

"I want one." she added before he could flail at her. "You should never wave temptation at me, Aubrey, you know how bad I am resisting it."

Aubrey raised a brow at that, sort of wiggling awkwardly when she violated his pocket. "Hey!" he said. "I paid for those."

He paused a moment and thought on what she said. "And I do not know how bad you are at resisting.....things!"

Reza pulled out the pack and then one before returning it to his violated pocket and giving it a little 'good boy' pat. Yeah, she wasn't nice. "You don't? Well, you'll have plenty of time to find out now." she offered him a smirk.

"Have a light in there somewhere?" she gestured to the cigarrate and she placed it between her lips.

Aubrey gave her a flatpan look and another 'hey!' when she patted him, but dug around in his pocket for his lighter and held it out to her. "And don't steal that. It's my favorite one. And I don't want to find out. And if Dad yells at me or something for letting you smoke, it's your fault."

Everything was sort of mumbled as an afterthought like he was talking to himself. But he tried to look the intimidating older brother part, and mostly failed.

"You don't? And here I thought we were all about bonding now that... Damien is gone." No, she didn't much like her family. Aubrey was no exception, but her tone did soften when saying Damien's name before it returned to its neutral-vicious tone.

Reza light the cigarrete and handed him back the lighter giving out a harsh laugh. "I doubt your father would yell at me for smoking when I've done so much worse." she offered him a sardonic smile and took a long drag of the cigarrete, she wasn't a smoker but... right now it suited her fine.

"Don't do that." Aubrey said miserably, sticking a cigarette in his own mouth before shoving himself into the car. "That's not even fair." He liked Damien a lot and wished he were around. Aubrey had no siblings of his own so he was just no good at it. Reza drove him crazy. Or something like that. "I've been your brother for a long time now you know."

"I guess I can't argue that." He wanted so much to erase his father's memory or something. Except for the part where he knew he'd be caught. "Let's go."

Reza made a sound that was pretty much a growl, followed by a soft insult before she slipped into the car on the other side, puffing away furiously. "A little too late for sibling bonding."

"They won't find out, relax." she leaned back and opened the ashtray of the car.

Aubrey made an incoherent sound of frustration and started his car. "Why did you even have me pick you up then? You don't like me at all!" He smacked his steering wheel and then backed out.

"I don't care if they find out." he mumbled. "I'll probably forget about it in a couple minutes."

Reza paused and grabbed his hand, "Aubrey-" she squeezed it a little bit harder than she intended while she clung to him. "-I asked you, because I wanted to make sure you were fine."

The girl didn't look at him, but then she released his hand and sat back to finish her cigarrete.

The car nearly drove into the curb when she grabbed his hand, but he quickly spun it out of the way. "WHAT?" he yelped. Owowow -- she had quite a grip. "What do you mean make sure I'm fine? DO I LOOK NOT FINE?"

He took a very long drag of his cigarette and flung it out the window even though it was half finished, before driving on.

"Try not to drive into a wall please?" Reza snapped, tensing on her seat as he nearly drove into the curb and just. Jesus, what the fuck, she was so bad at talking to people she should stop trying it.

"Yeah well, Damien was fine too and so was Dissidia and look at them now." Her tone was neutral/angry again but not aimed at Aubrey.

"Sorry, sorry!" he said sincerely, keeping his eyes on the road. "You just startled me. I'm not used to being touched like that. ...." he briefly thought of Evie telling him things and shook his head. "I think."

With a sigh, he glanced quickly at Reza. "I've been comatose three times. I'm not really scared of..... that stuff. But Damien and Dissidia and you, and pretty much everyone else in the family is much better than me. You know, looks and smarts and...social skills......"

"Aubrey, I grabbed your hand. Not your crotch or something." Reza cringed at that thought. "Relax." She pressed her lips together and looked out the window.

"You're a Blackwell." She stated after a pause, "You're family and family looks out for one another." Reza didn't know what to say to the rest because she wasn't a model Blackwell herself so... it wasn't like she cared if Aubrey's habits were proper or not.

He was her... brother-type thing.

"Thank god." he muttered to himself.

"Yeah I know." he said with another shrug. "But think about it. And anyway, we can't stop it if something like Damien happens to me or anything, so .... I don't know. " He wasn't doing a very good job of being reassuring.

"Thanks though.... if you really are concerned."

"I'll make sure to aim for your ass next time." Reza muttered in reply, rather irritated again with him. God, she wanted to kick him and push him and shove him. Yeah, she was violent.

"You idiot." Reza fumed to herself, "Just having the name Blackwell makes you a target in this war, that is why you have to be careful."

".... No." He said, almost taking his eyes off the road to glare at her, but deciding he didn't want to get beat up for crashing the car.

"I know that! I don't need a babysitter or anything....." he clenched his hands on the steering wheel, getting somewhat nervous. "Okay? Okay."

Good good, she didn't want to explain to their parents what happened to the damn car in case Aubrey did trash it and told them he did it while picking her up.

"You clearly do."

"No I don't." He said, thinking about yet another cigarette, but then deciding against it. "Besides, you don't even live at home so it's not like you can keep tabs on me."

".....where AM I taking you, anyway?"

"Would it kill you to just deal with the fact I WILL be watching your back?" Reza opened the window to let the smoke out. It was not fun to be suffocated in it for long periods of time.

"Kamil's place."

"I suppose not." He grumbled, like some kid who'd just been scolded. "Just take care of yourself too. Since you obviously won't let me remind you."

Kamil's place. Right. "I forgot." he said, making a turn. "You might have to remind me where he lives."

"Yeah, yeah, don't worry, I know how to get there. Make a left on the next street." She instructed. Reza was glad he hadn't made a comment about why she lived with Kamil and not at home with the rest of the family.

That was another explosive conversation.

"I will look after myself. The people responsible for Damien are still alive. So." That said it all for her.

"Of course you know how to get there." he said, almost completely keeping his focus on the road now. He did as she said and took the left.

And after that was when he looked at her with a small, inward sigh. "Yeah." he said quietly. "I got it."

She gestured to him a few more direction and echoed his sigh. "It all seems harmless but being in that community... it just means you are getting more involved in this war."

Too much.

"Maybe I should talk your father into shipping you to Tibet until next year." This time her tone was neutral but she was offering a small sort of smile to let him know she was only joking.

"I became more involved by my own choice." He said seriously. "That's why I came back from the states."

Kamil's house was slowly coming into view, and he pressed on the breaks a bit. "I'd sooner erase my own memory than go to Tibet. Nice try though." he returned her smile wryly. "Though if you can convince him for Hawaii or something, I'd go with that."

"Drop me anywhere, I can walk." Reza said softly, not wanting to touch the topic again. It gave away that she cared too much and she... couldn't have him going on that very wrong impression.

Aubrey's shoulders slumped a little, but he nodded, stopping the car right there in the middle of the road. "If you insist." he said, unlocking the doors. "Enjoy."

"Thanks or something, we'll be in touch," Because that was true enough as she pushed open the door and slid out, heading to the boot to pick her suitcase and walk back to the house. It was a short walk after all.

Aubrey waved, dipping his head in a nod. "Later." He watched her get her things and then sighed, sticking that cigarette he'd been thinking about in his mouth before backing up to drive off again. "Sheesh." he mumbled. That had been hard work.

reza blackwell, aubrey blackwell, logs

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