Jul 31, 2008 20:40
[Filter: Private ; Language: Japanese]
I think I may have overdid it just a little bit. It hurts to just sit here and look at the computer. At least dad seems to be unaware of just how much my body and head hurts; I'm slightly thankful to the Black Order for helping me get my powers so under control because I've learned to mask pain as well.
A valuable lesson~ They go hand in hand quite well. And I also forgot how hard it is that a woman is capable of hitting. Such strength, women have~
...and I must say, my General was absolutely amazing out there during the attack. I believe that my fondness for her has gone up even more after this. My fondness for my Order has, as well. My. I do so love being a Knight.
Now. I'm getting off of this thing, taking a handful of pain killers and going to sleep.
arnaud yoshizuki