Jul 16, 2008 15:33
[Filter: Public; Language: English]
took noll who took him the darkness took him why who are you it calls the darkness and its claws scratch scratch on all the doors they're everywhere they're everywhere carving the S's the people of white its everywhere where is he i know you took YOU TOOK HIM AWAY GIVE HIM BACK TO ME OR I'LL KILL YOU i'll make everything into dust i will KILL YOU
No Noll Noll Noll Noll Noll Noll Noll Noll Noll Noll Noll Noll Noll Noll Noll Noll Noll Noll
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gelieve antwoorden
please not vaarwell
da hai kwan,
charre radan,
liliya sergiyivna jovović,
felicia soaresý