
Jul 15, 2008 12:40

[Filter: Private | Language: Dutch]
I can't take waiting anymore. She said that she would not take long...if nothing happens soon then what in the world is going to happen to Noelle?

[Filter: Berlin Bla


...I can't say a thing to my Order yet. I don't even know what to say to them. I can only imagine what they are thinking right now My silence is ( Read more... )

tei lai huang, odette von mayer, faramond den adelle

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[Filter: Faramond] jumpstarted July 16 2008, 03:17:17 UTC
Not yet! Nearly did, though. I was building a CD castle, got up to go get food, and it all came crashing down on me. Rather scary, especially in the dark.


[Filter: Huang] reflexed July 16 2008, 03:27:01 UTC
...I don't know whether to be relieved that you are all right or to just shake my head and sigh. Why were you building an, ah, CD castle in the first place?

But at least you haven't gotten yourself hurt yet and things crashing in the dark would be a bit scary, yes.


[Filter: Faramond] jumpstarted July 16 2008, 03:39:52 UTC
You can do both, if you're feeling generous! Anyway, I was bored and needed to do something other than stare into the darkness.

That was probably the least scary thing that's happened so far, though.


[Filter: Huang] reflexed July 16 2008, 03:50:42 UTC
Then it is both that I'll do. Honestly...[gone] Ah, I see. That would help pass the time.

Least scary thing. Then you are saying that there has been something else?


[Filter: Faramond] jumpstarted July 16 2008, 04:15:50 UTC
Great. It did! However, I think I'm going to try to build a card castle this time around. Don't want to risk the same thing happening again.

There has. I fell asleep mid-day and woke up to someone in my apartment. I nearly died of a heart attack, but all was well. It was just the lady next door with some candles because she thought I might need them.


[Filter: Huang] reflexed July 16 2008, 04:26:05 UTC
A card castle would be a much safer route to go. I'd rather you not hurt yourself or anything.

......you are lucky that it was just your neighbor and not a burglar or anything. In God's name, just reading that worried me.[gone] You do lock your apartment door, don't you?


[Filter: Faramond] jumpstarted July 16 2008, 04:48:36 UTC
I guess it would, but you know, I could get a paper cut.

Of course I do! I just ... sort of forgot today. I went outside for a bit, didn't like it, hurried back and dived into my bed. Anyway, I'm sure I could handle a burglar.


[Filter: Huang] reflexed July 16 2008, 05:00:41 UTC
Paper cuts > knocking yourself out by tripping over CDs; at least with those all you need is a bandaid.

...idiot ♥[GONE] You could handle a burglar, Huang, of that I am very sure. Anyone who thinks of breaking into your place wouldn't ever dream of doing it again. But just be careful next time. Okay?


[Filter: Faramond] jumpstarted July 16 2008, 18:49:28 UTC
Mm, true. Some paper cuts sting bad, though.

You got that right! The burglar would consider his decision of breaking into my place the worst he's ever made. But okay, okay, I'll be more careful.

Anyway, enough about me! How have you been doing?


[Filter: Huang] reflexed July 16 2008, 23:31:57 UTC
...Huang. I am not going to argue with you over papercuts.

I've been better doing all right.


[Filter: Faramond] jumpstarted July 17 2008, 03:32:48 UTC
I wasn't looking for an argument!

Really, Adelle?


[Filter: Huang] reflexed July 17 2008, 05:00:41 UTC
Good, because an argument over a papercut would be absolutely silly.

...I could pretend and say "yes, really."


[Filter: Faramond] jumpstarted July 17 2008, 05:27:34 UTC
It would be. Maybe a bit funny, too.

... You know you don't have to pretend with me.


[Filter: Huang] reflexed July 17 2008, 05:42:07 UTC
Maybe. It would be an amusing thing to think back upon.

I know. It's hard to pretend or keep up a facade around you. It's just...this whole situation.


[Filter: Faramond] jumpstarted July 17 2008, 05:54:18 UTC
It definitely would. A silly memory.

Of course it is, I know you too well. Just like I know this whole situation is probably plaguing you even in your sleep.


[Filter: Huang] reflexed July 17 2008, 06:00:37 UTC
A very silly memory that would be cherished.

I don't sleep.[gone] At times it does. But only when I'm able to sleep.


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