log; good morning sunshine; Kamil, Reza, Lycurgus & Rex

Jun 24, 2008 05:45

who; Kamil, Rex, Lycurgus and Reza
what; good morning?
when; after Damien's death, so that weekend after his death

Reza was asleep which was not that unusual for her considering her habits at the moment, she was tired and she very much wanted to avoid the world as much as possible. However, Rex had come to see her and with him Lycurgus (which had been a surprise- not unpleasant but just odd) ... Reza was both grateful and annoyed because now she couldn't just not talk to anyone. Maybe it was a good thing, the company and the distraction. She wasn't thinking too much about it at the moment.

Right now she was dreaming about Damien. She'd been tempted to sleep on his bed but somehow it would have been too weird, especially with Rex and Lycurgus around... so instead she settled with them in her bed to sleep, keeping her arms firmly around one of them during the night.

However her dream was about to come to an abrupt end.

A very abrupt end. Lycurgus did not come to London to watch Reza sleep. It was rather dull in any case.

Once his pants were discovered and he had washed up, he returned to the bed and yanked away any sheets. There would be little time between that and hauling her up and over one of his shoulders. "That's enough of this now. It's time to eat."

This whole day hadn't even really started and already Kamil was just...dumbstruck wasn't even the right word. Here is Kamil, coming to Reza and Damien's place to make sure Reza's alright and make her breakfast, and instead a naked man answers the door. A naked man.

What the fuck. At least he could control his expressions well enough, and the sunglasses hid his eyes from giving his thoughts away.

Kamil wanted a shot of some hard liquor, something strong, and he wanted it now.

Well, it certainly hadn't been an awkward morning. Not for Rex, at least. He had been reading the paper while he watched his fellow bed companions sleep and didn't think twice of answering the door completely in the nude. He tried to apologize (but didn't really mean it). He even offered Kamil the choice of breakfast. Kamil had decided on waffles so there was Rex, who was now wearing pants (of course), and cooking in Reza's kitchen.

As he was waiting for the food to cook, he continued reading the paper. Without looking up, he asked Kamil, "Can I get you anything? Coffee? Tea?"

Reza was not happy being woken up like this. She let out a disgruntled noise and tried to curl back to sleep, except... someone was grabbing her. Someone called Lycurgus was grabbing her and pulling her over his shoulder.

She didn't care that she was wearing nothing but a skimpy nightgown- after all it had gotten rather hot during the night and it wasn't as if she had to worry about Rex or Lycurgus. So... she was more worried about being woken like this.

So letting out another disgruntled sound, she flailed her arms a little, "Lycurgus." her voice was almost a whine. Almost.

Did she just whine at him? He wrinkled his nose, moving straight for the kitchen. "You're getting lazy. It's quite annoying."

And Lycurgus was also quite aware that there was a third guest for Reza. But why warn her at all? It was better to show her and he did just that upon getting into the kitchen. He only glanced over Kamil and turned his back on him so Reza could see. "Say good morning, Reza."

"...ah, coffee, please." He would have his shot later. Or maybe more. Whatever.

Kamil put his phone away after answering a text message - most likely one of the twins trying to find out the status of his "Go check on Reza" mission - and then looked up as Lycurgus came into the room, raising an eyebrow at the long, lean legs in front.

...wait a second--

The General raised both eyebrows as Lycurgus turned around so Reza's front was now facing him. "Morning, bella," he stated, knowing that if Reza didn't look up right away, at least she'd hear his voice.

"Coffee it is," Rex calmly replied as he grabbed a nearby mug and poured a cup and sat it in front of Kamil. He wasn't the drinking coffee type, but he didn't hold it against anyone who did. And, well, Rex wasn't the morning type usually at all. He was the 'stay-in-bed-until-noon-and-call-lunch-breakfast' type, if you wanted to get technical.

Why was he even thinking about that with this guy here. Was it awkward yet? ...nah.

Leaning against the counter, as Lycurgus came in with Reza, Rex let out a laugh. "Good morning, Reza," he replied, mimicking Lycurgus as best as he could. "Are you hungry?"

Reza comteplated a kick or a hard pinch (on his butt since that was the closest to her hand) to get him to drop her but that all went out the window when Lycurgus turned abruptly and was indicating her to say good morning.

Rex was laughing at her predicament and she shoot him a glare, and a "Hey!" before she heard the familiar second voice calling her bella.





Reza felt herself blush slightly and she looked in Kamil's direction, "What are you doing here!" She flailed inwardly this time and stared, what- when had he got here? Good morning? What good morning... this was an awkward morning.

It had been odd enough finding out Rex and Lycurgus knew each other so well and now Kamil was here too?

Lycurgus would have given up a smile if he knew Reza was blushing a little. "That wasn't good morning and that was rude to your visitor as well. Never mind." And he turned to face the other men in the room. Was that skimpy nightgown his problem? Not at all.

The 'bella' had made him roll his eyes earlier. Was this a source of pampering? Or one of the sources? Even more irritating. Any work he would put into Reza, this man would erase it because he looked like the type that would make a woman would beg to eat out of his hand. He wondered how far Reza was from turning into one of those women.

After offering Rex a nod in greeting, he moved toward Kamil and dumped the Blackwell girl on his lap. "I'm sure we're all done admiring your backside now."

"I'm here because you never came back last night," Kamil drank his coffee - having it black and strong would distract him from other things, plus he never minded it at times. "I didn't mean to ruin your plans with your guests."

Soon enough, he'd be able to identify these men by name - and later, face on the network. And maybe one or both of them were from a family associated with either Orders. Name association could be a blessing and a curse, especially right now during this war.

He drank the coffee some more before he put the mug back down on the table, and then he found his arm going around Reza's waist as she was dumped into his lap. Well, wasn't he nice.

Unable to tear his eyes away from Kamil's actions with Reza in his lap, Rex immediately thought of a train wreck. It was like watching a train wreck. Shutting his eyes tightly and turning around, no longer facing anyone, he busied himself with the food. That was already cooked.

Rex wasn't jealous. No. Of course not. Who was this man? Did Lycurgus know him? He was almost disgusted with himself with how jealous he had gotten in such a short period of time. Okay, okay, so maybe he was a little jealous.

And then he remembered that he had answered the door in the nude. And all was right in the world. "Are you going to introduce us, Reza," he asked finally, still not turning back around to face them.

Very far from that type of woman, or so Reza would say.

Somehow, Kamil's words felt a little accusatory and she felt slightly guilty. Only slightly, and she found that getting angry was distracting her from being sad. Though she had no time to answer. She gave a noise of protest, trying not to look embarrassed at Lycurgus comment as he dumped her on Kamil's lap. Thankfully his arm came around her waist and so she didn't end up falling on the other side of his lap and onto the floor.

Reza bristle, angry at having been dumped like that and sat up, wanting to snap something at Lycurgus when Rex spoke.

Oh, right.

"...This is Kamil." she elbowed Kamil softly, "That's Rex." she gestured towards the man cooking "And that's Lycurgus." She pointed at the Greek man.

Rex's back would be given a look. Introductions were completely unnecessary as far as he was concerned. That's what that community was for.

Well, it didn't matter. He first grabbed that finger that was pointing at him. "If I was more awake, I'd break this." Leaning down, Lycurgus flicked her ear and snatched her chin. "I'll settle to do this." And he kissed her, disregarding anyone else in the room.

Rex and Lycurgus, duly noted and filed away~ Kamil nodded his head as a silent thanks once Reza was done with introductions, intent on asking her another question before he went for his coffee mug.

And then he found himself hosting what could turn into a morning make-out session - which did not involve him.

The General didn't make a face physically - oh, he made many in his mind - and simply gave Reza a little tug backwards before his arm disappeared from around her waist, hence causing her to lose her support. Whoops~ (But he did slide his other arm across her legs, so she wouldn't flip back onto the floor.)




Of course, of all the moments for Rex to turn around. It had to be seeing his soldier kissing Reza. What he wanted to think was, 'It's okay. He's my soldier.' but what he really thought was, 'It's okay. I can kill him when we return to Lisbon.' His eyes flickered to the rest of the group.

"So, waffles. I made them. Let's eat. It's nice to meet you, Kamil."

Reza saw that coming but she had honestly hoped he wouldn't. This however, was Lycurgus. One minute his hand was on her chin and then he was kissing her- to which she muttered a protest before returning it- or she would have returned it except Kamil had pulled her back and let go of her waist.

Oh, that bastard.

She felt herself fall back- but he was holding her legs- so she didn't end up on the floor. Instead her arm moved to grasp his upper arm to push herself up and she shot both men a glare.

"Can you both stop manhandling me? At least let me have breakfast."

Lycurgus had no idea about Rex's thoughts. Even if he had, it wouldn't have changed his actions. He was who he was.

He gave Kamil a look while Reza was still down, one that said 'feeling left out?' before he smirked. The urge to ruffle Kamil's hair came to him briefly - oh yes, he was interested in playing and pushing - but he abandoned the thought. Instead, he patted Reza's thigh intimately and straightened up. "Waffles sound nice, Rafael. Reza feels thin."

Kamil's other arm went back around Reza's back to help her up before moving back down to her waist, keeping eye contact with Lycurgus the whole time and returning the smirk. He kept himself from laughing - the smirk would do just fine.

"Sure, breakfast sounds good." He looked at Rex, nodding his head. "It's nice to meet you too, Rex."

Yes, nice to meet you with clothes on.

"Well, we'll have to fatten her up then, won't we," Rex asked, sounding extremely amused. The tension was getting thick. It could have been for some time, but he hadn't noticed it until now.

Rex offered a sympathetic smile to Reza as he grabbed a few plates and sat them down on the counter. "You honestly don't think that I'd serve you, do you?" He set out a few toppings and went searching for the silverware, stuffing part of a waffle into his mouth.

He took this time to actually give Kamil a once-over. He hadn't really bothered actually looking until now. What sort of man was he? Was he part of the Black Order? During times like these, Rex wished he had paid closer attention to the community. Or that he had asked Gaige some detailed questions before he left. He'd take a look when he had a free moment later; the war and everything else didn't matter right now.

Oh for the love of- Reza made a swat at that hand on her thigh and missed. For a moment she felt sad again and fought the urge to curl against Kamil and close her eyes until she felt better. However, Reza didn't show such weakness. Especially not in this moment.

Instead she pondered getting up and going to Rex who would hopefully not manhandle her for the moment. Kamil's arm was firmly around her waist, so she tried wiggling out a bit hoping the Italian would get the hint and let her go. She caught Rex's look and mock-glared his way before she nodded, "Wouldn't dream of it, Rex."

So she made a move out of Kamil's lap, not pushing too hard so if he was holding her a bit firmer than expected she'd just remain on his lap.

Whatever tension there was, Lycurgus was ignoring. He didn't feel it involved him in any case and he had come to see how Reza was handling such a death. Although apparently a bit protected, Reza seemed to be functioning fine. He made a mental note of poking Kintan when he left Reza's.

But breakfast sounded more appealing above anything and moved to put some waffles on a plate for himself. "Everything looks good."

The Italian did indeed get the hint, and onto her feet Reza went. He too moved to get a plate and some waffles, his thoughts on these two men going a bit crazy in his head, but he let them be. White Order, Black Order, he could deal with it later. These waffles were tempting.

"So, where are you both from...?"

"I can make more, so eat." Rex leaned against the counter again, quietly munching on the rest of his waffle. It was strange how well they were all mostly bonding. Over waffles, no less. It amused him far more than it probably should have. But, damn, they were good. He was proud of himself.

"Lisbon," Rex answered. "The both of us," he added, gesturing to Lycurgus. "Have you been before, Kamil?"

Reza didn't have anything to say so she set herself on the counter next to Rex and picked her own plate out with some waffles. Truth be told... she wasn't hungry at all. Not because she had eaten before but...

She took a little bite (and noted they were rather good) before she pushed her food around aimlessly preferring to listen to their conversation.

Considering everything, the fact everyone was being civilized was a plus. A big plus.

There was disapproval about Reza's eating habits coming from Lycurgus' side and he was openly frowning at her. A shame she was sitting a distance away or he would have taken her plate from her. Good food did not deserve that treatment.

"What Rafael has said," he said, without looking at Kamil, keeping his eyes on Reza.

Kamil would agree, the waffles were good, but he could understand that she probably wasn't in the mood. He shouldn't know this much about how to deal with death, but...ah. That's another time.

He listened to the question, noting that Lycurgus had called Rex "Rafael" instead. How "Rex" came from "Rafael," he had no idea. "Once, but that was a long time ago." The General drank his coffee and...had no idea what to say next.

Rex really couldn't come up with the right words as they all ate. Why was he the one always holding up the conversations? He nudged Reza a bit lovingly. He'd bother her later about eating. The silence that passed between the four of them was a little unfamiliar to Rex. He was used to having people being loud and rambunctious. This was just... weird.

"It's a great city," Rex replied as he went to pour himself a glass of water. "You're always more than welcome. I'll even tell my parents to expect a Kamil..." A perfect set up to get Kamil's surname. If he bit.

Reza nudged him back with her head against his shoulder before she straightened up and poke her food some more. Another bite and she paused, glancing at Kamil and Lycurgus.

"Mm." she paused as Rex made an invitation to Kamil and pondered if Kamil would actually honestly consider it.

Probably not.

"Well, I'm done. So I'm going to take a shower."

This would not do.

A fork was casually wiggled in Reza's direction. "You are not done and you will eat more than those bites you took. Otherwise you will have company in that shower. Company that will bring that plate. And I will force ever last bite down your throat and make you swallow. It will not be entertaining for any of us so finish breakfast properly before our shower."

And, as if he had not said what he had said, he resumed his own breakfast.

Note to self: Lycurgus was not a nice boy. Nope, not at all.

Kamil noticed what Rex was trying to do and smirked, "Well, they can't expect a Kamil if I don't know your full name. There must be quite a number of Rafaels in Lisbon. It wouldn't be polite to visit someone and the Rafael I expect is not there." And the last piece of his waffle went into his mouth, yummeh~

His blue-green eyes flickered over to Reza as he finished the coffee. He had two choices: talk it out with these guys until Reza came back to continue this game, or go back home.

...unfortunately, he wasn't in the mood to stay around these guys any longer.

"Well," he checked his watch absent-mindedly, "I should be heading back."

"That's not necessary, Lycurgus," he started. "We can make sure she eats more later. We can still join her though."

Setting the glass of water down, Rex grinned and now the time had come if he would lie or if he would tell the truth.

He'd lie. After all, he was given the gift of fooling people. He had only hoped that Reza or Lycurgus wouldn't say anything. He hated lying to the both of them.

"Radan," he replied coolly and without a moment's hesitation. There were plenty of them scattered throughout the world and he was sure that Charre wouldn't mind. He'd tell her later, but for now, he just grinned at Kamil awaiting his response.

"Safe travels."

Reza stared at Lycurgus surprised by what he had said, one about feeding her in the shower and then saying 'our shower'. "..." She wanted to scowl, would've in other circumstances, but she felt tired and not in the mood to fight this.

Rex came to her aid and she was grateful, until he made a note of joining her in the shower too. "..."

Then Kamil said he was leaving and she turned to him, a bit surprised. Reza pressed her lips together in a thin line, to most it was a neutral expression but to those who knew her well knew it was a sign of protest. The whole thing however was an awkward situation so... she didn't blame Kamil for wanting to leave.

She'd see him to the door if so.

Not nice at all. And Rafael's reply for a surname would be supported one hundred percent by him. If he wanted to be a Radan then he was nothing else to Lycurgus but a Radan. The end.

With his own breakfast done with, he rose up to put away the plate. He would pass by Kamil and then pause behind him.

"Leaving so quickly?" he inquired while tilting his head down to look at the Italian. His free hand dared to reach over, tips of his fingers barely touching Kamil's shoulder but they would move on to get his plate. "You lack an adventurous spirit. The shower is not that small and four should be just fine since Reza's just a sack of bones. How nice, your plate is clean. It seems you at least have the sense to appreciate well-made food." Then his lips formed a wolfish smile, one that said 'warning' above much else. "Teach Reza how to do that for me. My methods might mean you won't see her for another weekend if not longer."

"Reza has guests, and I find it plain rude to whisk her away when you both came here to visit her," Kamil stood after Lycurgus had taken his plate, smirking. "Thank you, and yes, I do appreciate well-made food. But I do have an adventurous spirit."

Said adventurous spirit didn't exist at the moment, kthx.

"Oh, she eats when I cook. I'll make sure she gains some pounds before your next visit. And Radan, duly noted." The General nodded at Rex, "Then you can expect Kamil Auttenberg visiting some day." He wasn't lying at all, nope. He had just given his grandmother's maiden name. He was an Auttenberg, by blood. And he prayed that Reza didn't give him away.

He looked at Reza and noticed the look she was giving him, knowing what it meant and a bit confused at what he had done to earn it. If she expected him to sit tight while she showered with two guys, she was crazy.

Was Kamil lying? Rex couldn't tell. It was moments like these that he wished that he would not only be able to lie, but to tell if those around him were lying. Regardless, he filtered the name away in his mind. He did have a plethora of people to ask and it wouldn't be hard to find him on the community either way. What was done was done and Rex wasn't going to think twice about it.

God, that guy was an asshole, though. Rex could easily see through the condescending words and if Rex were an easily readable man, it would've been obvious how angry he was starting to become. But, thankfully, he wasn't and the cool smile remained on his face.

"Well," Rex said finally, heading toward the bathroom. "I'm going to shower. Again, a pleasure, Kamil. We'll see you in Lisbon soon, I hope." Liar, liar, pants on fire.

What was with the name game and this people? Reza just barely kept herself from giving Kamil a 'your name is what?' look and instead stared at her plate.

Well, no she wasn't expecting Kamil to sit while she showered with two guys, maybe she was expecting him to sit while she showered- alone. But then it was probably best that he went, Rex was not always easy to read but for some reason.. she didn't think Kamil's food comment went down all that well.

"I'll be a moment, Rex, as soon as I see Kamil out." She offered Rex a little nod and then walked around to where Kamil was.

What a lie and Lycurgus knew it. But his face didn't show his displeasure and, once the plates were set down near the sink, he also started for the bathroom. Again, he passed by Kamil, pausing just briefly enough to touch his fingers to his own lips to blow Kamil a kiss. "See you around," he murmured just low enough for only Kamil to hear.

And when Reza would be busying herself seeing Kamil out, his dear General would get a little whisper in the ear that it was 'Kamil Ardovini'. Damon and one of Kamil's sisters had only made it clear who he was. And Damon had also sent that sister flowers so he likely knew an address as well.

But thoughts of the skinny but highly entertaining boy were pushed aside. There was a shower with a Rafael in it. Lycurgus knew what was more important.

Kamil was lightly amused at Lycurgus's action, but not really showing it as he offered his hand to Reza. Although that cold smile - was it because he lied about his family name, or was it his food comment? He hadn't even meant anything by it.

"Mm, enjoy the shower. And likewise." Ugh, such lies. He stepped off towards the entrance to the place, making sure Reza was with him.

Reza paused and looked over at Kamil when he offered his hand, she took it without much thought and escorted him to the door, a bit tongue-tied on what to say.

Well, that had been awkward.

kamil ardovini, reza blackwell, rafael de souza, logs

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