
Jun 19, 2008 03:48

[Filter: Private | Language: Dutch]
......I hope that they all are doing well. I need to address them.

Odette. You are not hurt, are you? I hadn't meant to hit you that hard. I don't know my own strength at times.

[Filter: Berlin Black Order | Language: English]
How are you all doing? If there is anything that you would like to talk about, anything on ( Read more... )

vivienne noelle larose, tei lai huang, faramond den adelle, sirideán callahan

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[Filter: Berlin Black Order | Language: English] armoring June 19 2008, 08:01:46 UTC
This is kind of hard for me right now, my ankle is broken no thanks to this guy.

I'm not sure what his abilities were. He hit me around the leg and suddenly there was all this pain. I'm not sure if it's super strength. Sorry. My mind's all a blur since Siridean had to knock me out [ gone ].

But I got him good; he probably had to get treated at the hospital.

I'm okay with coming over to your place. I'm kind of bad at walking right now but I'll get use to limping soon.

[Filter: Faramond]

I'm sorry. I'll do my best next time.

But I don't know if that brunette guy is dead or not. He ran off after I zapped him.

Are you okay?


[Filter: Berlin Black Order | Language: English] reflexed June 19 2008, 08:15:15 UTC
...rest up, Noelle. I don't wish to trouble you with anything right now. I don't wish to trouble any of you with anything right now.

Mm. It's all right. Thank you for providing this. Go and get some rest, all right? I sound like such a mother. Repeating myself like this.[gone]

While I would like for us to get together soon, there is no rush for it. You all need your rest and to heal up. But if it does come to it, and we have to get together, I can always ask for our driver to come and pick you and the others up? It wouldn't be trouble at all...

[Filter: Noelle]
What are you apologizing for. You shouldn't be...[gone] You did your best, Noelle, and that's what matters and counts. We went in without knowing much about the other Order. There's nothing for you to be apologizing for.

Mm. We will keep an eye on the community for him. If he's not dead, then there is a chance that he will show himself around this place...unless his General orders him to keep a low profile.

Ah, yes. I'm fine. I had just underestimated Odette their General, is all. It was a foolish mistake.


[Filter: Berlin Black Order | Language: English] armoring June 19 2008, 22:42:04 UTC
I've down a lot of that. [ gone ] I don't want to trouble anyone else either with this ankle.

Alright. Thanks a lot.

[Filter: Faramond]

I wonder how they knew and were able to counter as so well. We were discrete, weren't we? Or maybe not so...


[Filter: Berlin Black Order | Language: English] reflexed June 20 2008, 00:36:14 UTC
Keep off your ankle and only move when necessary. But feel better soon, all right? I would like to see a smile on your face again.

[Filter: Noelle]
I don't know how they could have known. Maybe they were keeping an eye out on the Gate, just in case we planned anything. But we were discrete. At least I believe that we were.

It's an unsettling feeling. And even if - She wouldn't ever do something like -[gone]


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[Filter: Berlin Black Order] armoring June 19 2008, 22:34:17 UTC
Carried? Okay... I guess. I am light after all.

Thanks. You, too.


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[Filter: Berlin Black Order] armoring June 19 2008, 23:08:00 UTC
Don't worry, he doesn't drop me or bump my head. Often.

You weren't hurt or anything?


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[Filter: Berlin Black Order] armoring June 19 2008, 23:37:12 UTC
Sure thing.

That's good.


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[Filter: Private | Language: Dutch] reflexed June 20 2008, 00:37:30 UTC
Did he just

I think he



[Filter: Berlin Black Order] reflexed June 20 2008, 00:37:53 UTC


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[Filter: Berlin Black Order] reflexed June 20 2008, 00:49:00 UTC
Of course I am still up. What would make you think otherwise?


[Filter: Dragomir]
I do not like the way that sounds.[gone]

It's hard for me to move in the first place, so I believe that you have not to worry about me up and moving elsewhere.


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