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Jun 13, 2008 21:39

flurrs birthday

iahve ritten a tsory..

flurr had always had horrible luck, especial when his birthday fell on the Friday of the month-- friday the thirteenth.

so, he was in a farely good mud as he walked down the street of russia, looking for someone's purse to snatch, so he could buy some postcards to send to Bailey Bailey.  silver was busy doing whatever he was doing, presumably sleeping in a drunken stupor, but flurr didn't particularly care.

as he scuttled along, snarting and trambling in the cold russian air, he stopped to scratch his chest.

meanwhile, mme. schiffiztanasky, a young French/Polish maid just recently arrived in russia to work for the rich count Isen, was walking down those same streets of russia with a bucket of cow's milk. she loved to milk cow..... o indeed.


apon seeing the snarting and trambling frenchman, mme. schiffiztanasky shrieked, "OU VAT," and heaved the contents of the bucket of milk at him. et was bed luck to snart and tramble, especially on fiday the 13th, and only the mulk would cleanse the bad luck from the poor fellow.

eh was snorting air, and then suddenly eh was snorting milk. at went up his nose, it went in his eyes, it went in his ears, and in a fit of rage, Fleur bellowed with all the ferocity of a wounded manutee.


mme. Schiffiztanasky adjusted her apron and frowned. "i haf saved you from ze ill luck of manee genairaishun okai okai. Move out of ze way. Isen ees waiting... for ze milk. imust squeeze more milk for Isen."

and eh flurr, eh steels her pockits and doesnt afraid of anything

fleur bernard, katinka von weber, bailey bailey, gaige carmine favilla, titus agustin

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