
Jun 06, 2008 20:39

[ Filter: Private / Language: French ]

Already a failure.

[ Filter: Paris Black Order / Language: French ]

We lost the Sigil.

ian chase, mireille charenton, howard q. mason, raoul zambrano, surrender hamilton

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[Filter: Paris Black Order; Language: French] elatedly June 7 2008, 04:44:07 UTC
Another one? We just can't win can we? Maybe when we take the offensive-

What do I say?[gone]

Our luck is poor.

...That probably wasn't the best choice[gone]


[Filter: Paris Black Order; Language: French] retiredmyth June 7 2008, 04:46:36 UTC
It is, but it isn't too late to turn things around.

[Filter: Surrender]

Would it be alright with you if I took you up on that offer soon? About your house up north. It's imperative that we get things moving at a faster pace.


[Filter: Paris Black Order; Language: French] elatedly June 7 2008, 04:50:42 UTC
Mm. No need to be discouraged.

Of course. Any day would be fine.
On Thursdays I teach I am busy, but if it is needed over that day I will find a replacement. This is more important.

They take the lives of children. I'd like to- If there is anything more that you can think of for me to do to help I would like to be told.


[ Filter: Surrender ] retiredmyth June 7 2008, 05:58:54 UTC
How would you feel about all of us staying there for a weekend? After that we could simply meet once a week, but a more intensive session of training would be good for us to figure out our strengths and weaknesses.

I will, and please do the same for me in turn.


[Filter: Mireille] elatedly June 7 2008, 06:17:37 UTC
It's at your disposal, and I agree. The majority of our team ... we all barely know each other, much less our capabilities.

I will bring any ideas to you.


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