log; tell me that you lied; Van & Ferdi

Jun 07, 2008 02:06

who;Van and Ferdi
when; 5th of June
where; Van's home

Ferdi didn't like his birthday too much, it wasn't bad getting presents but here in Paris he didn't know enough people to throw a party, plus Van and his seemingly crazy paranoia about Ferdi going out. Seriously, it wasn't as if he couldn't take care of himself... so it was more than a little boring for him.

Very boring.

He should make plans with Gaston and the other pyro guy. Maybe Howard would buy him some cake. No, he wasn't expecting Van to do anything for his birthday.

"Lameeeeeeee, ffffffffff"

It didn't matter how old Ferdi got, he would always remain a child in Van's eyes. Mostly due to his immaturity but it was a given at his age, right? Even if Van didn't recall ever behaving like a brat besides sneaking out windows to get away from Adrienne before she began locking them.

Weird, the way things were turning out. Today was Ferdi's birthday and the day. Van wanted to make sure Ferdi stayed indoors and he had instructed Adrienne to close all the windows and even the curtains. Her face was sullen the whole time he spoke with her, something rare to see in someone Van trusted so much.

He had loyalties to the Order. This is what Van had to do.

Ferdi being involved wasn't in the plan at all.

Ferdi enjoyed being immature, it wasn't that big of a deal in his eyes since Van was already more than perfect for the rest of the family. He was sulking about because he honestly wanted to get out there and have fun. It wasn't like Van would celebrate him anything so...

He would just have to celebrate with G-man and the other crazy pyro guy. Why not?

"Vaaaaaaaaan, VAAAAAAAAAAAAAAN, come on man, lock me up tomorrow, this is lame!" he kicked a desk (ow his foot) and sank back down into his chair.

Van had already let him go out fishing with his friend and friend's uncle for a day and wasn't feeling any more generous to let him out today. It would have provoked some attention if Van had to follow him outside.

"You don't want to celebrate your birthday with your own brother?" Van asked jokingly.

God, he was like a robot. Van never realized how much he didn't even seem to care until now.

It was just... Ferdi wasn't supposed to be part of this. No one in the family was supposed to be. It was easier for Van to do work in the Order without having to think of the consequences that it would have on his family.

"I bet you didn't even make me cake." Ferdi turned to pout at his brother and then grinned, "I don't mind celebrating it with you, just let me go out with my friends later." he shrugged stretching his foot to give him a nudge.

"I'm not exactly a good cook," Van pointed out. "What sort of plans did you make?" he asked and then cocked his head slightly. "Don't say playing with fire. The last thing we need is a juvenile record."

Ferdi started laughing, "Nah, just invited the pyro guy along but really just wanted to hang out at the park with Gaston and probably his uncle."

He wasn't too worried about that record. "Come on, Van, 'sides even if I get police attention, I can run off really fast."

That was really enlightening.

"...and then run back here?" Van laughed a bit. "No thanks. Can't you ever promise to not draw attention to yourself?"

So there were people waiting for him at the park. Van thought about it for a minute but after little debate came to the conclusion they would just think Ferdi was off somewhere else. After all, if they were his friends they probably knew how hyperactive Ferdi was and wouldn't question it too much.

He tugged at his collar, loosening his tie a bit.

Ferdi shrugged, grinning slightly "Hey you get all the attention from the parental units, I had to get some attention somewhere." he teased.

Pushing himself to his feet he stretched, "Come on, we'll discuss police cars and stuff later. I want cake right now."

And probably Gaston wouldn't mind sharing one with him.

He had pulled off his tie entirely and furrowed his eyebrows at Ferdi. Was he implying... their parents could never choose between all three children, no matter whom was the smarter one or not.

"What makes you think I get all the attention? Mom and Dad haven't called me in weeks." He said and eyed the open door.

"Oh come on, they haven't called because they're waiting for you to call. They expect it every day, I'm sure." It didn't actually bother Ferdi that much, he just liked poking fun about it to Van. "Oh yeah, maybe they'll call today for the birthday thing."


Truthfully, their elder sister had called earlier to talk to Ferdi and mentioned their parents were going to call later but Van had answered the phone and lied to her, saying Ferdi was out.

"They will. They're probably busy right now."

Ferdi looked at him, "Yeah, I guess." So ... he gave his brother a look, "Come on, bro' I wanna head out now." He made a move towards the open door feeling rather uneasy about Van at the moment.

Van secured his brother's right to be uneasy by shutting the door without touching it. The lock clicked and he sighed.

It was either his or Ferdi's head and frankly, Van wasn't keen on dying the same way Laertes and Ophelia Tran had gone.

Ferdi stopped and turned to give Van a look. "Oh come on, man, I already told you I'm not setting anything on fire. So let me go." he folded his arms and took on a sulky position. He didn't like this.

"You want to throw me out the window on my own birthday?"


Throwing him out a window was a much preferred option.

Van took one look at Ferdi and had him ensnared, trying to keep his concentration to hold Ferdi still. He walked over slowly, twisting his tie in his hands unconsciously.

"You're... not supposed to be part... of this." He spoke in a low tone.

Ferdi realized to his horror that he couldn't move. "Hey- the fuck- Van what gives?" His brother was frightening him and that wasn't right... it wasn't like Van. Ferdi was never afraid of Van.

He worshiped his brother in his own way.

"Part of whatthefuck?"

"Any of this." Van wasn't making sense but he didn't seem to notice.

With a firm hold on both ends of his tie, he wrapped it around Ferdi's neck, and began to pull hard from behind.

Like hell he wanted to see his own brother's face while he died.

Van wasn't making sense of anything, but what Ferdi did know was that Van was trying to kill him. His brother was trying to kill him. Something inside him broke a little. Or a lot. ....Had Van always hated him so much?

"Van!" he choked out his brother's name, "What the he- Why!" Maybe it was a good thing Van couldn't see the disappointment in Ferdi's eyes.

He struggled trying to wiggle out but he couldn't. Why- just... "You're not... my brother." Ferdi spat out, not caring if he was wasting his breath. He was going to get this out of his chest.

He just kept going and going. Van didn't want to exert his powers too much but was utilizing enough to hold Ferdi in place.

"You're making this harder than it already is." Van uttered under his breath, pulling harder and trying to ignore Ferdi's last comment.

"You're not... my brother."

He couldn't dwell on that. No matter how accusatory it was.

Ferdi couldn't move so he couldn't make a grasp for the tie, but he managed to take one last gulp of breath. Van... the Van he loved, his brother... that wasn't him. He'd gone off a long time and never come back. Ferdi would never accept that his brother would do such a thing to him.

His brother...

"V-an. No-"

Fuck you, fuck you, fuck you.

" bro- not forgiv- you-" he wasn't, he wasn't his brother. The room was growing dark.

There was one person Ferdi missed right there and then and that was Gaston and his weird uncle. Missed them. He didn't know why and it didn't matter. It was close to the end.

It was over for him.

Van could no longer feel him resisting and dropped the bind on Ferdi's body. He watched as he hit the floor, unmoving and quiet. Something Van wasn't used to when it came to his brother.

He wasn't going to ask for forgiveness. What he had just done was a sick and twisted thing after all.

It was going to be really quiet in the household... Van wasn't sure what was more unnerving; the silence or noise.

van barhydt, ferdi barhydt, logs

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