LOG, armageddon is flooding through; DAMIEN + REZA

Jun 05, 2008 16:41

Damien and Reza, last words.

Reza couldn't breathe and she wasn't injured (physically), no, she was just fine. She'd been fine enough to throw that Soldier woman out of her way and kneel by Damien's side, confused and conflicted on what to do. She... how bad was it? It looked bad. Wincing, she touched his shoulder lightly.


One of his eyes was swollen shut but with his good eye, he could make out the silhouette of his sister.  His throat felt parched and it hurt to even breathe; his entire body felt bruised and broken.  Was he about to die?

"Reza," he managed, voice barely above a whisper.

Oh god, her brother... her brother...

"Yes." Reza's voice turned slightly high, almost as if she were supressing the urge to cry but her voice was betraying. "I'm here, Damien. Came to get you and take you back." She didn't know how bad it was but it... it looked bad.

He tried to smile but didn't know if she could see it, Damien knew that his face looked bad just from how it ached. He could still taste the blood in his mouth.

"Are you alright?"

It was dangerous in this place, and even if she was strong.. he didn't want her to risk herself for him.

"Yeah, of course." Even if she felt like her insides were being ripped apart by an invisible force, Reza smiled back, brushing her hand lightly against his cheek. "Don't worry, the other Knights are on the way. We're going to take you to the hospital." Now she was babbling, "It'll be okay, Katya will probably try to poison me for endangering you like this but it'll be okay."

It had to be.


He wouldn't be able to see her again.

The thought was jarring and strange, but his thoughts were jumbled and incoherent, hesitant 'I love you's' and birthday parties and something about a Gate intermingling together. His eyes were closing and his breathing was becoming shallower.

It was too late. Katya and Reza and his parents and Kaoru, Drake and Emily and Reza and Katya--

Almost like drifting off to sleep.

Reza's expression turned to surprise, "You can't leave me, Damien, you can't-"

Even if he was with Katya, they could still see one another this-- this he couldn't do. He wasn't allowed to do.

"Damien, please... please, I don't want to be alone." her voice was choking up again and breathing was impossible. Each breath was a waste, she had to talk to him, convince him. Keep him from leaving her.

"Please, please!" she shook him a little, careful not to hurt him but still  desperate. Her mind was quickly becoming blank and all there was left was Damien.

He didn't want to leave her alone. God knows he didn't. It wasn't fair, but he'd still been lucky, hadn't he? He'd been able to live a good life, meet wonderful people-- but it still wasn't fair.

"I'm sorry, Reza." If he had known he was going to die he would have done so much more. Tell Kamil to watch out for her, maybe, tell him that she was mostly misunderstood even if she was headstrong and difficult. Tell Kaoru to take care of Reza and Katya. Kiss Katya and tell her he loved her again. Call his mother, thank everyone.. but he was out of time, now.

His hands were cold and his fingertips were shaking, and with the last of his strength he stopped the flow of time. It would give him a little longer before his body gave out, but he wasn't going to be able to say much anyway.

"I'm sorry, so sorry for everything. I wish I could stay here longer," but. He swallowed, opening his eyes and feeling the strain wearing down on him. "I love you."

And then the clock was ticking again, though his heart had stopped beating.

Reza opened her mouth, "You have nothing to apologise for, Damien, brother."  He told her he loved her and that made her happy. "I love you too, I'll be a good sister I won't-" but then the clock was moving again and he seemed so still.

"Damien?"  He... he..."Damien? Damien? Please... please... don't leave me!" her voice broke, she felt something like tears along her face. "...If you're not here..."

If he wasn't... "I don't want to be alone. Damien, please don't leave me! No one else understands... there isn't anyone else!" she pulled him close, feeling him becoming cold.


There was no reply other than her own screams.

damien blackwell, reza blackwell, logs

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