(no subject)

May 09, 2008 22:47

[Private: English]
A Knight....
Bloody brilliant.
Ah, well. For the Black Order, then.

[Public: English//Portuguese]
Well... hello, then! I can't say that I'm entirely sure what all of this is about without lying to everyone, but no matter~
My name is Charre. It is pronounced Shar- ray. Not Share-ree, not Shah-ree, not even like Cher. You'd be amazed how many people bollocks it up~
I'm 33 years old and a fine art appraiser in Lisbon, Portugal. I enjoy hunting large game, losing at chess to people much older than me, and losing at blackjack to people much younger than me. I also enjoy a nice cup of tea and a good ass kicking to even out my day, but the latter is often hard to come by without making unnecessary enemies, assault charges, and restraining orders. Alas!
Now that I've been properly introduced, might I ask who all of you are?

[Lisbon Black Order: Portuguese//English]
It would appear as if I was lying. Oh, me.
Hello, my dears.
My name is Charre Radan. I know that our esteemed General has already made a formal post for our roll call, but I'd love nothing more than to meet you all individually~

narcissa burgos, charre radan, rafael de souza, franz pereira, arnaud yoshizuki, fiorella yelena matos, wilhelm albrecht

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