(no subject)

Apr 22, 2008 13:03

[Filter: Private | Language: Portuguese]
...what have I done? I'm sure everyone is happy with me. But now they're all-

I should've done something more. Dammit. Why was I late?

Do I even say anything to them? How do I tell-

Time to find more people within the Order for replacements.

[Filter: White Order | Language: English]
It's tied.

[Filter: White Order Lisbon | Language: English]
We've lost Ricardo, Calista, and Catarina. I'm sorry.

[Filter: Public | Language: English]
I need a drink. Or two. Or eight.

emilie wilhelmina, odette von mayer, van barhydt, rafael de souza, humility brooks, chaos vandrisse, blakelyn thomas, da hai kwan, reza blackwell, julian françois dieter, ivonna bloom, gaige carmine favilla, théodore laurent

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