okay now an actual post 8D

Dec 14, 2010 19:06

So we're both okay after the accident. My knee is still real sore, I can't kneel on it or anything, and I can't lift or pull anything heavy/hard due to a strain somewhere in my sternum...area.

Starting to prep for FC. Hopefully I make back some of what I put into it. This con is gonna cost me over 600$, all said, so...yes, please, let me make some of that back! >__<

Still haven't heard back from the mechanic about the total cost of the car. Been really grumpy lately. I really hate being out of control like this, and we're running out of groceries and stuff. Part of the problem with the Paleo diet is that you really can't stock up on much. If I had almond and coconut flour, at least I could make some sort of "bready" thing...but I don't, so we're starting to get sick of the same ol' XD

I'm hoping EC won't mind driving Chris and I out to charlottesville tomorrow, and maybe by the grocery store. It's supposed to snow on thursday, and with how cold it's been, it might be a bad one! I'm also crossing my fingers for financial aid for school. They said they'd hold my classes for me until they get all the FAFSA stuff back...but yeesh. 1,500$ isn't easy to raise by my lonesome!

Ah well, we'll cross that bridge when we come to it.

IN BETTER NEWS: I've lost 8 lbs on the diet so far. It's been 2.5 weeks. 8D
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