Nov 06, 2004 17:21
I left Wolfram & Hart and wished I'd bottled up some of the nice cuppa blood they'd given t'me, but it was enough that they'd given me some fags before I left. I lit one up and smiled as I took my time walkin' 'bout, glad it was fuckin' night time since I was glad t'be touchy-feely and didn't wanna have t'go 'bout in the sewers just yet.
So. My plan.
Go t'Angel, chat him up some, maybe get a few digs in at him and what not, then tell him 'bout the Dastardly Plan that Big Evil has in store for him by usin' me. Still wasn't quite clear on their plan seein' as how all's they wanted me t'do was annoy Angel, which I'd planned on fuckin' doin' anyhow.
Drew in a nice long drag and curled my tongue in my mouth, tryin' t'picture the ponce's reaction t'seein' me back. Yeah that would be...
Hold on. I'm back. Which meant that Buffy was...
Well, fuck.
Right. I'd think 'bout her later, then. Had no idea where she was bloody at, anyhow, so's I could always chat up Angel and make sure they hadn't shagged yet., he'd be evil if they had, so maybe my first thing t'do once I see him is t'poke him or somethin' t'make sure he's Angel and not Angelus.
Balls. So many soddin' things t'do, and honestly, all's I want is my fag right now and some happy faces t'see me. Yeah. Like that was gonna happen.
Found the fuckin' hotel and strode on inside, stoppin' in the lobby. "Well, well, well. What have we here...oh, I know! Why it' Hold the applause, yeah, I'm not dead. Bloody miracle and all. Now, who's gonna get me some blood?"
((Open to anyone in the hotel))