Kaine refused the sacrifice...

Nov 10, 2010 22:32

So, to add to the "woe is me" parade, last night I broke out in little red itchy spots all over my body. I thought it was chicken pox. The doctor says it is not and that I'm either having an extreme allergic reaction to something (in which case it should clear up in 3-5 days) or it's pityriasis rosea, in which case it will clear up in 3-5 weeks.


So I'm on a combination of antihystamines and steroids, which is making the itchiness fade and the red spots are now smaller and pinkish.

At least I don't have any on my face or my hands.

I am kinda glad that I wasn't on a plane to London when this happened but, well, this definitely makes for an extra level of suckage in life.
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