and there's a dimmer this room tonight...and you'll be the last one to know when it's off

Apr 15, 2004 12:00

well this is the point in time where i am second guessing my ability to sing good. this happens to me from time to time. i know i can sing, but sometimes i just feel like it's nothing special. i need to PRACTICE as much as i can. i was so upset after i saw the video of our last show at the Galaxy Theater on april 8th. Jeff sang amazing and i sang every single note flat :(. they said that they didn't notice, but i could hear it. and i know i can do better than that. i have always loved singing in this band, but i think that from the beggining i was singing all my notes flat at every show i;ve ever done. and that depresses me cause it makes me look like i really suck and i don't know what i'm doing. i wanna be comfrotable and confident that i can hit a note at anytime. now that my favorite singer has left his band (Jason Gleason), i don't have many people i can look up to or look towards for a voice inseration. i mean, he's basically the one person that inspired me to sing and now he is just sitting at home letting his voice waste away...:(...there are alternative singers that i have been listening to lately that remind me of Jason or of the style i like to sing, such as: Brandon Rike(dead poetic) and the singer of fallout boy. but yea...ok i'm tired of writing this entry...i shall talk to you all soon. byebye
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