Oct 21, 2005 16:27
Please don't waste your time/$ on DOOM (the movie).
I was given a few sets of tickets to a "sneak-preview"/press-release screening yesterday. At first I said "no thanks" but then I remembered that a good friend of mine had expressed a little interest in the movie, and just the day before my new friend Amy had said she likes "moster movies", so I thought, what the heck, its free, I will go with them; however the press were given most of the good seats, and Amy and I sat in the very first row in almost the exact center of the row... my other friend was not able to get there before all the seats were taken. I asked Amy if she wanted to leave (because I did I will admit) but she said we should stay since we were already there.
Here is my rating:
Original idea: (make a movie from a game) B-
Execution of idea: C
Plot: D
"Action scenes": C
~ "The Rock": C-
~ The hero: B
~ The heroan (the hero's sister): B-
~ Others: between C and B+
Overall rating: C- at best, maybe even D+
I was bored during much of the movie.
Alien vs. Predator was a better movie.
Alien (the first one) was/is a ~much~ better movie.
"Doom" seemed like a bad copy of these two movies.