Cos yr filthy, ooh, and yr goregeous

May 02, 2006 15:14

Edit: Crabby crab crab. GRAAH.

Soo... they want to offer me a Leapfrog TA position because I suck. Leapfrog is prek-3rd grade. Yeah. Plus, they make HALF as much as Equinox, Apogee and Spectrum TA's. And they work less. Thus, if I took this job in EVANSTON there's no way I'd make enough for the summer, much less for next year. Plus, you know, I don't really like kids anyway. Goddamn.

plus i am hot and feel ugly and shitty and stupid and generally a bad person which i am fuck fuck fuck i mean who doesn't like kids? me me me goddamn alskdfj. why didn't i just stay here this summer growl graraj fuck.

Grah grah grah. I need to get over my damn self.


Snootch snootch snooootch. Shit. Yes, I am a 12 year old boy. Yes, I love Dogma. Yes, I just quoted it. I think. *puzzle*

SO! American Lit Essay = A!
Last Enviro Class EVAH!
Last Econ Class EVAH!
34 out of 36 puntos para mi examen oral en espanol! Wooooot!
One (another) ridiculous letter (seriously, I'm lovin' this letter thing... we'll see)
Only ONE cigarette!
Interview for Northwestern University set up for Center for Talent Development Teaching Assistant!
(Me: Guys! Northwestern wants to interview me!
Jessica: But you hate kids!
Franny: But you hate kids!
Courteny: But you hate kids!)

and last, but not least, the best quote as Courteny and I are talking really loudly in front of Mills Hall...

"You know, it's not that hard to bottom! I'm good at it! There's just BOTTOM ETIQUETTE!" - me.

Hee hee hee. Okay. Off to continue packing up la room.

life, okay, college, news

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