
Jun 04, 2007 18:40

Lots of stuff has been going on this last week.

My work properly signed our first proper commercial contract. As a consequence things are very very busy and I've had to deal with more people than normally, supplier wrangling.

My dad was going to come visit in an almost impulse visit. Which involved me running around hotels and b&b etc. trying to find the best place for him to stay since..

I was hosting a fannish weekend for two of my friends of the fannish persuasion who were travelling up to visit the same friday dad was supposed to arrive so dad couldn't quite crash at my place with them there as well.

Then my Great Aunt had a mental break down of the dementia type (she's getting on in years now) so dad ended up cancelling the visit since there was so much emotionally exhausting stuff going on back home.

..queue cancelling of said hotel reservation and general :( since I'd really been looking forward to seeing dad.

Still the weekend was great with lots of watching of various things, snarking and going yay. The new Who ep was fantastic. Too little sleep though, way too little sleep so I barely managed to get through work today (which was very busy again and will be very busy for the next two weeks because of said contract) so I'm about to collapse.

To make things even better my ipod was also stolen or went missing during some of that running around. I.e I was walking with it outside and then I was walking outside and it was not there anymore. I just had my headphones, no ipod. I've already bought a replacement since I can't really function without the damn things now.

I also ripped my erstwhile fencing trousers, I needed to buy a proper fencing-able-in set already but now it's a must because I can't fence until I do. Well unless I go historic in the sport fencing way and try it in a skirt.

Some random fun though

Making Light (a most excellent blog) has a post here: http://nielsenhayden.com/makinglight/archives/009050.html

That's filled with pastiches and poetry in 'LOL' or lolcat and l33t. I decided to contribute and found one obvious target for LOLcatting that hadn't been done yet and jumped in with some help from a friend.

So here's my contribution to that now very long thread:

Teh Lolz Praer

o hai
ur in ma ceiling awsumin ur namez
ur base owns
ur hackin's l33t
on ma client and ur server
I can has cheezburger plz?
r-vwl s plz?
n w re-vowel d00dz
temptin? DO NOT WANT!
u pwn ebil
coz u win teh internetz

(The re-vowelling is a bit of an inside reference since Teresa at ML tends to disemvowel, i.e remove wall the vowels, from posts by trolls, it's a very effective anti-troll method).
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