My dear sis
elfi_maloi has posted this entry at her LJ and has asked me to post it her so as to ask you all for your help!!!
Here's her message :)
I need your help with voting for our dear Marsmen ^^ Please vote and ask your fellow Echelons and 30STM-fans to help us!
Here we vote for 4 videos and we decided to make From Yesterday the main one so we give more voices for it.
Under the title of a song you see "голосовать" button, press it, then type 4 numbers you see and press "голосовать" again. If you see "Спасибо, твой голос засчитан!" it's submited, but if you see red letters "Неправильно введено число с картинки! Твой голос не засчитан!" it's not - you have to open the page again. To see the list of the songs press the link "Вернуться к списку самых популярных клипов".
You can vote as many times as you want, but each time you have to open the page. It stops 23 of June at 14.00.
Put a tick near A Beautiful Lie and The Kill, type numbers at the bottom of the page and press "голосовать" button. Sorry, I can be mistaken - I've already voted this week so I can't see exactly. Ask me if you don't understand)) You can vote here once a week.
Any help will be appreciated, please vote until your fingers bleed!