Nov 10, 2003 04:58
Well yestarday was rather productive. I have almost finished painting my new studio, I only need about a quart of the main paint, then the rest is just the trim. Woo Hoo, I am excited about my own santuary within my home. A lot of ideas have filterd through my muddled mind about how I would like it, and I think I have decided.
On another note, I made Yorkshire pudding last night, and apparently it didn't come out to badly. I ended up using muffin tins since i do not have a proper tin for it. Tasty eats, especially with some meat, gravy and veggies. All of which we feasted on last night. My home is slowly coming into order now. Of course once I have everything the way that I would like it will be time to leave. But at least this is good practice.
Don't really want to be at work today, thoughts of ordering my life have been drifting... no, haunting my mind for some time now. I cannot deny the calls, no longer can I repress the urges. Change is upon the winds, the Fates have decreed it so.
That is all... For now...