Dec 28, 2005 00:34
Ok, if this is all that you can read and none of my other posts, you've been put on hiatus. It's nothing bad, I'm still linked to your journal, it's just that a) We're not getting along at current b) You post more frequently that I do and my friends page is littered with ya to the point of choking c) You don't post at all d) Your posts have no true content to them e)You do a combination of said above.
Even I have standards, yo. Braggarts, fair-weather friends, Copycats, emo pods, hypocrites, falsifiers, yammerers,'s straight up Dante on my journal. If I'm Virgil, I just need to take time to work on my friends groups because I honestly don't know what to do with you. You'll see the rest of my posts when I have that all straight.