I read about the up and coming next Hitler last night...

Jun 20, 2007 10:48

We freakin go satelite & it's very nice! I spent last night watching "The Simple Life Goes to Camp" on E! ! I laughed a lot...
So the government royally screwed me outta ne $ 4 school this year so I'm gonna hafta utilize the subsidized stafford loan they offered me...which royally sux my balls. But on the bright side I received a $500 scholarship from IUK! How unbelievably generous of the selfish bastards...Maybe more ppl would become educated & stop living off the streets and doing drugs & prostituting themselves if college were paid 4 by the government...have we ever thought about that? NOOOO...let's waste millions of dollars a year fighting a war that has absolutely NOOOOOOOO plan behind it...that's a good idea, right?
Ne wayz, before I get ne more pissed off........
Nora has the hiccups & she's mesmerized by the computer screen...she's so stinkin adorable! I can't believe how fast she's growing...she's startin 2 get some pudge on her nowadays...that and she can control her head a lot better and she lifts it up when I lay her on my chest so she can look around.

ok, I should go now...nathan's gonna b calling
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