Feb 01, 2005 22:54
Ok so I, Nick Jones, am good at fighting. I could really kick someones ass if I wanted to. But lets look at that statement. I said if I wanted to. Got that. Good. So lets go on with my little story her. This shows just how smart I am...how I know when to chose my fights.
Ok I'm at the mall playing DDR with my friend Ryo, I"m actually using his computer right now...but yeah. Anyway We're goofing all doing roundhouse kicks and all this crap. It's fun. Well some people in the arcade think I actually take martial arts...I don't...I'm self taught. But I do have good form and know what to aim for in a fight. So I go out of the arcade over to the pretzel store and I'm joking arroudn with this guy talking about Whacking off for 3 hours straight. Stupid inside joke. Really stupid joke. So these girls can here me talking about it right...really stupid girls. Very stupid indeed. Well what happens next is Ashley White walks by.
I personally felt very accomplished because I didn't really care. I didn't wanna run over there and give her a hug or anything. I mean, yeah I said hi to her. But I didn't care to be with her anymore. I'm so happy...but at the same time I'm sad that there's no one I like. My choice of women is limitted...people at work suck. I don't go to school. I don't go to church but the girls there suck anyway. There's no one in the mall really worth talking to. I never run into girls I really wanna talk to. There's really no one out there for me at this point in my life. Sooner or later I'll get that whole Void feeling coming back to haunt me...which sucks ass. Basically it's whenever I don't like someone I feel like something's missing. I feel incomplete. there's a void. And it's cause I'm alone...well not that, cause I've always been alone, it's cause I don't have anyone I like. It's a sucky ass feelling. But it's either there or I'm sad because I can't go out with the one I do like. Either way things have always sucked. and Feb. 14th is also coming up. which is really gonna suck because it's just a reminder that I'm alone. I have the 14th.
Well on with my story. Ashley leaves. I go back into the arcade. happy that I don't care anymore to be with her. So I play more ddr. fun. So I'm still showing off doing stuff like holding onto the bar with my legs sticking up and swinging them arroudn like a gymnast ( a sloppy gymnast). Very sketchy. So after DDR, when the mall closes we go walking out towards the bus stop and these stupid girl asked me my name. So I said Nick. So I keep on walking and all. You know. The end up getting ont he same bus to ride over tot he transfer point. This girl starts talking junk to me while I"m trying ot have a conversation with Ryo. I'm ignoring her but then she gets loud. So I flipped her off. She stands up like she's going fight me....funny. she's 5'0" maybe 90lbs. I'm 5'9" 145lbs. In really good shape. Strong as hell for my size. Most limber person I know. Great stamina. Actually know how to use my legs in a fight. Do more than just punch. But I know I'm in no danger. There would be no reason to fight. I know I would win...but what would I accomplish from that. I'd prove to some stupid girl that I'll never see again that I can beat her up. I don't care what she thinks of me. So I ride ont he bus listening to her crap. she cusses on this white lady for being white and calls her a cracker and a stupid honkey. So I said that racist people are stupid. That their ignorance shows a great lack of intelect. So she doesn't know what the heck I'mt alkign about and says I have a stupid sounding voice. I know my voice sounds stupid. I don't care. I guess it's one of those things where if people don't wanna talk to me because of it than they aren't people I'd wanna be friends with anyway.
Anyway we get to the bus stop and as I'm getting off she starts grabbing at me. trying to steal my wallet. Trying to yank my hood off my head. just trying to start a fight. But I will deny her that fight. I will not give her what she wants. She thinks she'll win. She underestimates me. I don't underestimate her at all. I know she could very well be alot stronger than she looks, I know she may or may not know how to fight. But I really don't think she can fight. I don't care. Well when I get off the bus I walk away. And then the cops show up. They don't talk to me at all. I don't have to deal with them. and that makes me happy. So I left and didn't have to bother with any of that crap anymore. I'll never see her again either. I hate meeting people like that. I hate to see that kinda racism.
But all in all. I do kinda wish I could've beaten the living snot out of her...but I"m proud of myself for not doing so. Very proud.