I'm so silly. Taking the format from Mel, I've just got a bunch of random things going on.
1. I feel GREAT now that I'm off the Depo. Like 100%. And get this, I found an article on the stuff that lists all of my trouble as side effects. The hair loss, the weight gain (50 freaking pounds!), depression, loss of sex drive ... and here I thought it was just me. On the other hand, I'll be getting my period now. Guess it's a good trade off.
2. My cat (just Jax) has been going nuts. He just runs in circles around the house. He'll come to a stop in the middle of the living room and stare at me until some little sound sets him running again. It's freakin' me out.
3. Precip. Dude, 60 degrees tomorrow and rain? In February after those multiple feet of snow just melted? We're so getting water in the basement.
4. The media sucks ass. I'm so tired of the horribly biased crap that gets printed.
http://nl.newsbank.com/nl-search/we/Archives?p_action=doc&p_docid=126436452E4CB4F8&p_docnum=2 This article talks about all these big name projects that have been nothing but controvertial. I don't think a project proposal even exsists anymore for a Southtowns connector. The Peace Bridge, holy hell! There was a huge deal last year about picking a "signature bridge" and all these votes and political posturing and they picked one. Then the feds told us we couldn't build it because it would interfere with the migration of the Common Turn. The claim was that the bird would (I kid you not, look it up) fly into the bridge. How can we build a project that people can't even agree should be built? We're not freakin magic. A project takes years to get approved and go through public hearings and design and comments and approvals and permits ... that all takes money and time. What don't people get about that?
I'm sure I could have written a better rant on that, but it's getting late and I'm tired. Gotta get to bed so I can be up 6:00. Night all!