life after 6 yrs

Apr 24, 2008 08:49

Yesterday marked 6 years since  I first talked to angel.
At this time of the day 6 years ago, I just got back to Tokyo with head reeling from the luck of sleep and took the train to go attend the school.
How things have changed since then. Will anything be the same again?
Now I'm 25yrs and people started to telling me I'm sorta getting out of the season to do any like changing jobs, and marring etc (no I'm not interested in marriage). Strange just 1-2 yrs ago people told me my working career is too SHORT. Is time never right for anything?!

During this past year, 6 people I know at work developed mental health issues and vacumed into the hospitals. Some got back to work shortly, others took longer months(one of them very lkely to be away from wok again sadly), and there's one who's still missing. 
See, the number of the people I know in the company is less than 50. 
6 out of 50 developed mental probs??? 
With harrassments  and bullying wide spread in this industry it's not new or even rare that people "got mentally ill and will be away for a while".  But 6 out of 50 is too much. Now I wonder when I will be in that category.
Doctor told me twiching of the left eye lid, a problem I've been having over a month,  is very likely due to mental pressure. I took CT and now waiting for the result of MRI and blood tests.

Wonder if this work thing is wort while for a psychosomatic diseas.

Now off to work...
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