yeah i'm a little obsessive compulsive about touching things. I will randomly start stroking the pole I am leaning against while waiting for the train or running my fingers along my jeans in class and forget that people can see me lol.
I just get so overwhelmed with these feelings and images that i need to describe them because they drive me mad if I keep them bottled up. I need people to feel things like i do.
Oh god, Wentz "things" are scary. I've spent many years thinking "I can see why I should find him attractive but all I ever want to do is punch him.". Suddenly in the last month, I've started observing a change from that to the ~*~development~*~ of a weird "thing" about him too. I'm very alarmed by this.
See, I was at a disadvantage. I have always had a thing for bassists. Well bass really. I ignored [puposefully perhaps] Green Day for years, then I stumbled upon Longview on Rage. I was lost.
It makes it worse when it is a bassist who writes the music. +dies+
The Wentz is so, um, fucking annoying isn't he?? But so very very lickable at the same time.
I would definitely like to punish him, in aaaallll kinds of Ways.
I picked you as a tactile sort, you're always talking about touches and such. But you have a real way with describing things, I'm jealous :P
I just get so overwhelmed with these feelings and images that i need to describe them because they drive me mad if I keep them bottled up. I need people to feel things like i do.
+fuck it, wants whoever the fuck it is in your icon+
Then we already know that I have a slight Wentz, um, "thing".
+reaffirms "thing"+
It makes it worse when it is a bassist who writes the music. +dies+
The Wentz is so, um, fucking annoying isn't he?? But so very very lickable at the same time.
I would definitely like to punish him, in aaaallll kinds of Ways.
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