Aug 04, 2009 22:37

I am officially becoming old. I just sent an irate email to my council complaining about the new three bin system. Other suburbs that have the same system collect the general rubbish bin weekly and alternate between the recycling and organics one fortnightly. Our council has only just introduced the three bin system but thinks it's a good idea to collect the general waste bin only fortnightly - even though it's half the size of the others. This confusion began when I got home tonight to discover half the neighbours had the organics bin out and half had the general waste out.

Went to the movies tonight with some girls from work. We saw My Sister's Keeper. Do NOT see this movie if you have a weak stomach. I nearly retched a few times. There are extremely graphic scenes of vomiting. It was an okay film, but I found it was very disjointed. They could've done better with the content. Plus, I swear they say that the sick girl is only 15 but then they have flashback scenes (so she is presumably 14ish) of her dating a guy and she's wearing clothes I would not let my 14-year-old wear. That's barely pubescent!

I originally decided not to go to the movies. My official excuse was that I had spent all my money this week. The real reason was that we were seeing a session straight after finishing work meaning there wouldn't have been time to have dinner beforehand and I can't last till 9pm on nothing but a lunchtime sandwich. So I would've had to snack on the only food available at the movies: chocolate or popcorn, and I've been feeling like such a lard lately. I know I've put on weight and while I know I'm not overweight I don't feel so good. I can feel the extra bit of pudge when I'm sitting and I've been feeling generally gross from consuming so much junk.

Not quite the way I wanted to be when I embark on my adventures.

So I am hereby swearing off junk food for at least the next 12 days. The only exceptions will be lunch with Rach on Sunday and my farewell dinner's next week. The key is moderation. I honestly don't know why I've suddenly become such a junk glutton. I'd have the occasional chocolate or cake but for the past three months I've been having some sort of junk almost every day.

life, ramble, jabba, movie, work

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