O. M. G. They went there. They really went there. When Sam and Dean started researching the fans of the books, my running commentary started going like this, "Oh. No. No no. Don't do it. Don't you go there. Gah! You went there! *face palm*." Fanfic, slash, Sam/Dean... It's like the fandom's dirty laundry aired. I feel outted. Even so, I haven't laughed that hard since... well, since T-Bear in "Wishful Thinking".
You've gotta wonder what the people who watch the show but aren't involved in the fandom are thinking (because there's got to be a few fans like that). "And then there was that part of the episode where Sam and Dean started talking techno-greek or something...slash? What's that? I don't get this." I don't think I want my mom to see this episode because I know SHE won't get it, and I don't want to have to explain it to her...or worse, explain how *I* know.
I really don't know whether to cringe or laugh 'til I cry.
My brief summary of the rest of the episode. Castiel is FREAKING AWESOME, "I am the prophet Chuck," the gospel according to Winchester, and Castiel is freaking awesome.
And that's about all my brain can take right now.