A Note To Be Remembered

Mar 03, 2011 11:34

This was part of a Letter To My 18 Year Old Self chain that I created in my own version. I've seen and experienced a lot in my life so of course it's wrote in my own perspective. But it is one I really liked writing and will probably print it to put on my mirror.

Letter To My 18 Year Old Self

Everything is going to be fine. Your going to grow stronger, smarter and better. Don't wait for the adventure to find you, go explore the world. Now is the time to discover new ways of thinking, new ways of doing things and new people. Some of them will be losers and jerks but a lot more will open your mind to ideas that you never knew were possible.

Fall in love head over heels, even if it’s only for one perfect night. Memories last forever and you want as many fabulous memories as you can get. But don’t apologize for being different or taking a path less traveled. Do what you love. You are you and no one else is going to live your life for you. You have to do what you believe is the right choice for you. Right or wrong, it's an opportunity and you won't know if it was the right thing to do unless you try. Make decisions because YOU think they are right for you. Not because others do.

Appreciate the world you live in. There's a difference between friends, acquaintances and people you know. All three will come and go and as much as it hurts, only a few will remain in your life for 20+ years. Don’t fight for those that aren’t worth fighting for. Instead focus on fighting for those that are.

Commit random acts of kindness, generosity and silliness. Eat desert and love it, don't feel guilty about it. Love yourself. Because there will be plenty of people who will hate you for no good reason other than you are happy and you love yourself...because they are not and they never will.

You'll never not be stubborn and you’ll learn lessons the hard way. You will have your feelings hurt. Sometimes by accident, sometimes by thoughtless people or actions, sometimes because you want something that wasn't meant to be and your heart will be broken. Cry it out and than pull the pieces back together....and remember that some guys are just assholes and it genuinely isn't you. Smart is forever, hawt only lasts until your 30 and self confidence is the ultimate trait in sex appeal.

Don’t naively think that bad things only happen to other people. Some things are going to hurt like hell but you will be ok. We are not guaranteed a tomorrow, that’s why you need to say thank you, I care and I love you today. Don’t let fear paralyze you. Fight to overcome it. Laugh uncontrollably and don’t be afraid to cry.

Don't make up excuses. You can easily come up with a hundred reasons why you cannot do something but it only takes one 'Yes' to try. Forget the “what ifs” and live in the moment because the moment is NOW. Live life to the fullest, every single moment. Because this moment may just change life as you know it.

If you can’t sleep, take a pen and write down what’s bothering you. Write down your dreams or great ideas that wake you up in the middle of the night because, no, you will not remember them in the morning.

Say thank you. Say thank you to those who deserve it and to those who don't. Because it may be the one that makes them realize their being an ass.

Pack less. You really aren’t going to need *all* of those things. Suitcases are heavy and you don't want to hurt your back. Pack the basic necessities. Jeans are sexy with the right shirt.... or without one.

You are the creator of your happiness. Not others. There will be moments in your life where you think you should have fought harder for something. And those moments will haunt you if you let them. Walk away from your past, don’t carry it around. Learn from it but don't let it stop you. Don’t try to run away from your problems because they will catch up with you. Face them today to ensure a happier and safer tomorrow.

Know that life is too short to be wasted. Know that you can't change people. Know that when someone ends their life, it was their decision to do so and there may have been very little you could do to stop them. Follow your instincts. They are mostly right. Lend a shoulder to those who need them

Appreciate yourself and your actions. Stop yourself from doing things that you know you will regret. Write sappy notes. Even though people will point out how sappy they are, they will appreciate them.

You don't need a man and a man shouldn't need you, he should want you and you should want him. If you need a companion or need to be needed, get a dog. They'll love you when you gain 10 pounds, cut your hair off or want to take off for a weekend by yourself.

Smile back when guys smiles at you whether your 20 pounds heavier than you like or your your 20 years older than him. Self confidence is sexy.

Don't settle. Compromise, but never settle. You deserve better. Don’t give up. Life will throw things at you that will seem impossible to overcome. But you'll manage. Life is rarely going to make sense and a lot of times it's going to be inconvenient. Fight for it when it’s worth it. Let go of it when it’s not.

Respect yourself, you have value but if you don't value yourself, no one else will either. When someone calls you a bitch say “thank you.” It's ok to be a bitch. However, gossiping about others is slowly poisoning your own spirit - don't poison yourself. It doesn't matter what other women are doing, it matters what you are doing. Don't be jealous, admire them and ask them how you can do it too. Lend a helping hand to other women, some day you may need a hand to help you up. Regardless of the color of our skin, we're all sisters at the end of the story.
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