Rover Scouts

May 17, 2008 23:03

Today, May 17, 2008 - Sir Albert Longakit announced that we will have a rover scout meeting at exactly 10 am. Being a good rover as I am, I woke up at 9 am. :P I left our house at exactly 10 am too! (Lolz! XD) When I arrived at the school though, seems that the meeting hasn't started, and Mr. Sabunod was still scolding the noisy rovers. Oh geez, here we go again..

Sir Longakit then announced the UL (Unit Leader) and it's my best friend - Chame. Woah. My duty is on thursday, and I'm with Pwinchy and Kupkeyk. Isn't that great? The only thing though - Honda isn't with us, his duty is on Wednesday. Huhuhuhu.. T.T

Aside from that, Sir also announced bout our type B's and our name cloths.. and a 3-day survival camp that'll happen in 31. Our UL (meaning Chame) HAS to join, and also better if RL's (Radian Leaders) and Assistant RL's could join too. (So that includes Pwinchy and Baby) So they're asking me to join. A 3-day SURVIVAL camp?? OMG, that's like 3 days without my fave foods, coke, fluffy bed, COMPUTER, TV and all.. and it's jungle survival. NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!

Jennifer's asking me to join too. (She's a teammate of mine - ALAMIGAZ!) But my problem is... Can I even survive one day of that camping!? Hmm...


rover scouts

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