Nov 06, 2006 19:27
I have sat by long enough and read the slander, the hate, and the needless attacks on my friend for far too long.
I posted this in case you ever decide to check to see why I de-friended you. Here it is.
Acting like it's funny or poignant or cute or whatever to befriend people like you named is going too far, sister. Those people hurt Jessica immeasurably, and I would think that you of all people would understand that. How does befriending them make you a good person, or a good friend? This is selfishness in it's basest form.
By the by, your obsession with your ex-boyfriend is unhealthy. Stop stalking him. It's over. So there was badness in the relationship, IT'S OVER. GET OVER IT. How does acting like a psycho solve your problems? IT DOESN'T.
You once said that I was a good person for standing up for Jess and being by her side through everything.
So I'm doing it again. That's how I roll.
Piss off.