Vindicating Joel Schumacher

Aug 01, 2006 16:35

So everyone and their brother believes that Joel Schumacher's Batman and Robin is the worst thing ever to happen to Batman since Bob Siegel created him way back when.

[Phoenix Wright mode ON]


[Phoenix Wright mode OFF]

Oh, my fine feathered friends, you haven't heard about the BATMAN MUSICAL, have you? Yup, Tim Burton and Jim Steinman almost vomited a Batman musical onto Broadway a few years back. From what I can tell, it would have been based on the first Burton Batman flick, and featured, among other things, the Joker and Batman singing and dancing.


This is WORSE than the Bat-tusi.

Click on that link, then scroll down to the song link labeled "Wonderful Toys". Let me know if you manage to get all the way through it.

As creative as he is, sometimes Tim Burton is (pardon the pun) batshit crazy.
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