May 12, 2006 08:05
Monday - it was a good day AT THE BEGINNING, I enjoyed a coffee at the student house alone and was pleasantly surprised when Jonas randomly showed up and we talked for a while. He had to drop off some flyers and what not... so he did that and then came back out and we talked some more before he had to go back to work.. And He's from Roskilde so he has a really funny accent when he speaks danish... but we do it anyway.
why must I leave.
I must I must I must. BAH.
So glad to have an older host sister to talk to.
Tuesday - Spent the morning with Sebastian and Nanna... bought my first pair of cheap monday jeans. Only the coolest swedish jeans ever created. Research them, its actually cool. Then I went to kildeparken, the huge park in the middle of the city and sat in the sun with tons of people. Then Nanna, Sebastian, Viktoria, Jakob, Kevin and I went to a huge chalk lake in Aalborg near where I live. It's amazing, its like a giant pit with water in it... all of the ground around the lake is really high up so it's like sitting on a mountain. We went to where Nanna and her friends made a kind of cliff and we layed in the sun and cooked food on a grill we made in the ground. We had hotdogs and beef and chicken and frikadeller and fish. Then around 1 am, I left.
Wednesday - I woke up and went to kildeparken again for another fun day of sun and friends. I went home breifly to drop off some things and went back to kildeparken. I met Viktoria, Sebastian and Jonas at the student house and went home around 11:30.
Thursday - Met Kevin and Jakob and Nanna in kildeparken and we relaxed and talked and yeah, just comfortable. Nanna and I went to go shopping and I bought another pair of cheap monday jeans etc etc.
Today - Headed to Copenhagen in a few hours... my host brothers dont really want to go and they think it's annoying that they have to waste their 3 day weekend on it.. like its my fault or something. I think they also need to look at it from my point of view. I've never really been to copenhagen and i dont live in this country. My opporitunities for going to KBH are a lot smaller than theirs considering they live a 4 hour drive away. Try 24 hours of flying.. Anyway, I'm hoping it turns out fun despite the fact that they like hate me now because I've never been there.
PS. It's summer here now... if you couldnt tell. Which means Sierra is getting her nice Florida tan back. No more pastey whitey. Although I have quite a horrible bracelet tan line on my left arm due to the face that I'm too lazy to take my 2398023 bazillion bracelets off.
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