Jul 16, 2010 00:04
- 09:53 Blizzard's attempt at a cure for trolls worse than the disease? bit.ly/bHe7i1 by @deele #
- 10:34 I'll be in Portland, OR next week covering OSCon. I look forward to seeing some of you there. #
- 11:06 @ estherschindler Dump @reddit. They banned me with a link karma of 3,153 and never bothered to tell me why or responded to my queries. #
- 11:17 RT @alastairotter: RIAA paid its lawyers more than $16M in 2008 to recover only $391K - bit.ly/cFP5OD Me: They'd say it was worth it. #
- 11:28 @ alastairotter I'm _sure_ the RIAA would say it was worth every penny. They're interested in scaring people more than they are recovering $ #
- 11:53 RT @alphadoggs: Please Digg: Robocop Ran DOS... and other movie code decoded : digg.com/d31Wxte?t Me: I noticed that at the time! #
- 12:06 @ jensaylor Neat. Covering @moogfest will be a fun gig. #
- 12:48 Chatroulette plays Russian roulette with your privacy is.gd/dt9SM Me: Alt. title: Keep your willie in your pants & off the net. #
- 12:49 RT @FakeAPStylebook: hacker - Anyone who knows anything at all about computers beyond e-mail/web browsing, and therefore is a troublemaker. #
- 13:17 RT @MitchWagner: 1940 cover for Super Science Stories. Dig the space suits. ow.ly/2c0mZ Me: Wish I could afford to collect pulps. #
- 13:17 RT @estherschindler:Why “Gaming” Chips Are Moving Into the Server Room ow.ly/2bZkt Graphic processing chips may mean faster servers. #
- 13:39 RT @ExpertVoice: Why “Gaming” Chips Are Moving Into the Server Room ow.ly/2bZkt Graphic processing chips may mean faster servers. #
- 16:28 RT @davidjoachim: NYT ALERT: Goldman Sachs to Settle Securities Claim for $550 Million, a Person Close to the Deal Says #
- 16:52 RT @apatrizio: the matrix is real. bit.ly/auZaF5 #
- 17:08 Five reasons the Droid X beats the iPhone4 by @pgralla bit.ly/a83SJH #
- 17:20 OpenSUSE 11.3: The Linux distribution for KDE lovers bit.ly/9vvZzZ & other #Linux desktop users will like it too. #openSUSE #
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