(no subject)

Jul 09, 2010 00:02

  • 10:12 Bécours: Old-Time Music Weekend is.gd/dk3P9 I knew France had a Celtic music scene, but old-time, aka Appalachian, music!? Neat. #
  • 10:23 @ alphadoggs Re: Firefox 4 Beta 1 & crashing: Give it time. :-) As betas go, it's actually not bad. I've only have two, #
  • 10:45 Wut? There were Lolcats in teh 1800s?!? is.gd/dk5ZJ
    Why yes, yes there were. #
  • 11:25 Once around the Web with Firefox 4 Beta 1 : digg.com/d31WAzX?t Can #Firefox get its mojo back? #Digg #
  • 11:45 RT @pgralla: Does Donald Knuth use a Microsoft Kin smartphone to track Apple tar balls? bit.ly/a6sN70 Me: & join Lohan in jail!? #
  • 12:41 RT @gkeizer: Production glitch solved, so feast eyes on compare/contrast slides of Firefox 4 & Chrome. Sep. at birth? bit.ly/d1As4D #
  • 12:42 RT @ghaff: New post: CNN, Twitter and Why Hiding Journos' Opinions Is (Still) a Bad Idea. bit.ly/bp15hD #
  • 15:53 RT @ripcitylyman: new 451 CAOS blog - Do customers want open core? - is.gd/dkq27 #
  • 16:13 @ estherschindler @MitchWagner Would you believe good music played w/vuvuzelas? Check out is.gd/dkrfi by the Konzerthaus Berlin #
  • 17:02 RT @sgaudin: Think you'll be flying commercial jet fueled by solar power? Experimental plane completes night flight. bit.ly/cimcSb #
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